- versions PRIOR TO Java
7.08.0 - Minimum JDK version 8
- Has JDK9's supported parameter name access built in (for JDK9 and above deployments)
It is a library that allows the parameter names of non-private methods and constructors to be accessed at runtime. Normally this information is dropped by the compiler. In effect, methods like doSometing(mypkg.Person toMe)
currently look like doSomething(mypackage.Person ???)
to people using Java's reflection to inspect methods. Well, normal prior to JDK 9.
Historically parameter name access has not been very useful to Java application developers, but with the advent of advanced scripting languages and web action frameworks for the JVM it is of increasing importance to be able to leverage a method's parameter names. Scripting languages like Groovy and JRuby, web action frameworks like Waffle and VRaptor (that verge on the transparent) and the compelling Grails. SOAP and REST designs could also benefit.
Paranamer allows you to generate and use parameter name info for versions of Java prior to JDK 5.0 and above. Parameter name access was scheduled for JDK 6.0, but was cancelled at a late stage as the spec-lead suggested the development team ran out of time to implement it. It didn't ship in JDK 7.0 either, though it did in JDK 8 (see below). Historically, it was felt that applications could end up depending on parameter names, and that they essentially became part of constructor/method signatures and could never be changed if you wanted to be backwards compatible. The view of the authors of Paranamer is that you should be aware that parameter names may change between releases, and code to not depend on them.
Paranamer is Open Source, and licensed as BSD, and first created in in July 2006. It is compatible with commercial/proprietary, GPL, BSD, and Apache (or any open/free source) use.
Paranamer is gaining JDK 8 compatibility. JDK 8 though has native support though, and stackoverflow shows you how to make that work.
There is a method called lookupParameterNames
that returns an array of strings for a method or constructor.
// MySomethingOrOther.java**
Method method = Foo.class.getMethod(...);
Paranamer paranamer = new CachingParanamer();
String[] parameterNames = paranamer.lookupParameterNames(method) // throws ParameterNamesNotFoundException if not found
// or:
parameterNames = paranamer.lookupParameterNames(method, false) // will return null if not found
Paranamer does not have any runtime jar dependencies while looking up parameter info previously generated that's been zipped into a jar.
DefaultParanamer tries to read parameter name data that JDK9 can compile in if you pass -paramaters
to Javac. For maven:
DefaultParanamer tries to read parameter name data from an extra public static field called __PARANAMER_DATA
on the class. This field need to be added after compilation of the class, and before you put the resulting classes in a jar.
The static field essentially looks like the following. You really do not need to know this unless your going to make something compatible with Paranamer:
public static final String __PARANAMER_DATA = "v1.0 \n"
+ "<init> com.example.PeopleService peopleService \n"
+ "setName java.lang.String,java.lang.String givenName,familyName \n";
+ "setDateOfBirth int,int,int day,month,year \n";
Clearly the method's source needs to be analysed and lines added per method to that __PARANAMER_DATA
field. See below.
If generating meta data for parameter names at compile time is not for you, try class BytecodeReadingParanamer
as a runtime only solution. This uses a cut down forked and cut-down version of ASM to extract debug information from a class at runtime. As it happens this is the fallback implementation for CachingParanamer
when DefaultParanamer
reports that there is no meta data for a class.
Note: BytecodeReadingParanamer does not work parameters stored in interfaces, because the javac compiler ALWAYS omits that information from the debug tables in the .class file.
Pulls its parameter names from a Javadoc zip/jar (named in the constructor). Courtesy of Sam Halliday
Numbers it's parameter names arg0, arg1, arg2 (etc), intended as a fall-back if you need it. From Stefan Fleiter.
uses the @Named
annotation from JSR 330 and extracts names pertinent to parameters from that.
public static class Something {
public void doSomething(@Named("usedName") String ignoredName) {
takes a delegate paranamer instance as an optional constructor arg. This will allow constructors and methods to only partly leverage @Named
, with other parameters having non-annotated parameter names (the via say DefaultParanamer
or BytecodeReadingParanamer
If you have an alternate annotation to @Named
, then you can specify that in a subclass of AnnotationParanamer
that overrides two methods isNamed and getNamedValue. Your overridden methods should do the equivalent of 'return an instance of Named' and return ((Named) ann).value();
If you are using @Named
annotation, you will need to add javax.atinject
artifact in your classpath. Paranamer is built with the javax.atinject
module as an optional dependency.
is designed for using a series of Paranamer implementations together. The first supplied is asked if it can supply parameter name data for a constructor/method. If it cannot, then the next one is asked and so on. The default constructor for this uses DefaultParanamer
with ByteCodeReadingParanamer
as its contingency.
stores the results of each parameter name lookup, so that second and subsequent invocations will be far quicker.
There's a subclass of CachingParanamer
called CachingParanamer.WithoutWeakReferences
. It does not use a WeakHashMap as an internal implementation. If you're great with profiling of applications under load, you might be able to justify use of this implementation for your particular app.
This for DefaultParanamer
usage of course, as BytecodeReadingParanamer
does not need it.
You need to download:
- latest paranamer jar
- latest paranamer-generator jar
- latest paranamer-ant jar
- latest qdox jar (1.8 or above)
... and declare in your Ant script the following after <javac/> (remember to add to the taskdef classpath all the above jars):
<taskdef name="paranamer"
<paranamer sourceDirectory="src/java" outputDirectory="target/classes"/>
Classes are changed to have an extra static String member variable that contains the member functions and their parameter names. Be sure to zip them up in to you final jar.
For Maven, configuration is simpler. Just add this to the build/plugins
section of your pom.xml
<id>run</id> <!-- id is optional -->
<!-- if some of parameter names you need to retain are held in pre-existing jars, they need to be added to the classpath -->
The classes in the ultimate jar file will automatically be made with parameter name data.
There are already too many jar's for day to day Java development right? Simply consume the runtime Paranamer jar into your project's jar using the Maven2 'shade' plugin.
<!-- Put in your POM.xml file -->
The general answer to this question is that you should not ship something to third parties where they are going to hard-core your parameter names into their application. For you own in-house stuff, accessing parameter names is harmless. You should be able to ripple though the source code of even large applications, and change say badSpeeldWord
to badlySpelledWorld
if you need to.
- paranamer-ant - Ant tasks
- paranamer-maven-plugin - a Maven plugin (as shown above)
The need for Paranamer will go away when JEP-118 lands as part of Java8. Despite that, we intend to maintain the library so that it continues to work.
- Mandragora - extensible framework for business layers
- Oval - Object Validation Framework,
- PicoContainer - Dependency Injection Container,
- PicoContainer Web-Remoting,
- VRaptor - Web Framework,
- Waffle - Web Framework
- JBehave - BDD testing
- CDI Interceptors
- A Jackson extension - serialization
- Release 2.8.2 - Mar 2025 - Adaptive JDK 8 compatibility improvements
- Release 2.8.1 - Feb 2025 - JDK 9 compatibility improvements, upgrades of ASM, QDox and more
- Release 2.8 - Aug 26 2015 - JDK 8 compatibility improvements, and removal of Codehaus dependencies in build
- Release 2.7 - Aug 16 2014 - QDox changed from 1.x to 2.x meaning Java7 features are supported. Thanks to PR16 by Robert Scholte
- Release 2.6.1 - Jul 18 2014 - New OSGi bundle info PR15 by Raghu Devarakonda, a new -DskipParanamer CLI option PR14 by Nicholas Whitehead, a new and optional non-WeakHashMap caching impl Issue 8, Maven fixups and Code refactoring from Otávio Garcia (PR13, PR14),
- Release 2.6 - Oct 9 2013 - adding PositionalParanamer from Stefan Fleiter
- Release 2.5 - Apr 15 2012
- Release 2.4 - Oct 29 2011
- Release 2.3 - Oct 19 2010
- Release 2.2 - Jan 2 2010
- Release 2.1 - Sep 6 2009 - last version that is compatible with JDK 1.4, all others after this require Java 5
- Release 2.0 - Jul 10 2009
- Release 1.5 - May 19 2009
- Release 1.4 - May 9 2009
- Release 1.3 - Feb 22 2009
- Release 1.2 - Feb 2 2009
- Release 1.1 - Oct 14 2007
- Release 1.0 - Jul 01 2007
See Project On Github (yes pull requests are fine), mirrored from Codehaus - see the repo connection details for that.
- Paul Hammant
- Mauro Talevi
- Guilherme Silveira
- Sam Halliday
- Stefan Fleiter
- Robert Scholte
- Raghuram Devarakonda
- Nicholas Whitehead
- Otávio Garcia
Github's issue tracker for Paranamer is kinda how conversations happen re Paranamer.
Download the latest released jar files (2.8) here
The unit tests for Paranamer illustrate some more way to use it: http://github.com/paul-hammant/paranamer/tree/master/paranamer/src/test/com/thoughtworks/paranamer