- Go Library for accessing and using the NASA API (APOD, NEO)
- Command line interface (CLI) for accessing NASA API's services
- Apps based on the NASA API: e.g. Desktop Wallpapers, Web Server for APOD and Random APOD ..
Kindly grab a NASA API key from here, and set it to the environment variable NASAKEY.
The API Key will increase the rate limits for your application/package to access the NASA API.
This package & its apps default to the demo key NASAKEY=DEMO_KEY
if you haven't set one.
The DEMO_KEY has very low limits (30reqs/hr, 50req/day), only sufficient for demoing.
package main
import (
func main() {
apod, err := nasa.ApodImage(time.Now())
// apod has structure of nasa.Image, hence get details with:
// apod.Date, apod.Title, apod.Explanation, apod.URL, apod.HDURL etc
fmt.Printf("Today's APOD is %s, available at %s", apod.Title, apod.HDURL)
lastweek := time.Now().Add(-(7 * 24 * time.Hour))
apod, err = nasa.ApodImage(lastweek)
fmt.Printf("APOD for 1 week ago:\n%s\n", apod)
func handle(err error) {
if err != nil {
# installation
go get -u
nasa apod
# returns the NASA Astronomy Picture of the day
nasa apod -date 2016-01-17
# returns the NASA APOD for the date specified
nasa neo
# returns Near Earth Objects for today
nasa neo -start 2017-05-10 -end 2017-05-12
# returns Near Earth Objects for the range of dates specified
Serve APOD on the web (demo:
nasa web
# serves website at :8080
nasa web -listen localhost:9000
# serves website at localhost:9000
Web server demo pages:
- NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (for today)
- Random images (HD images, updated every second, no autoreload)
- Gets Standard Definition images (lower quality,faster load, saves bandwidth).
- Automatically reload page (default reload interval: 5 minutes)
- Automatically reloads every 1800 seconds (1 hr)
- Automatically reloads SD images every 5 seconds
- Legacy browser support for reloading
Automatically change your desktop wallpaper to randomly selected NASA Astronomy Pictures of the Day.
- Supports various Linux desktop variants (at the moment) incl Gnome, Gnome2, Lubuntu, KDE and others.
- Also supports custom command to set the wallpaper.
go get -u
# automatically changes wallpapers every 10 minutes
# tries to change wallpaper with an existing command, use -cmdDefault to change the default command
# e.g -cmdDefault feh
nasa-wallpapers -cmdDefault gnome
# uses the gnome command for changing wallpapers (ie gsettings)
nasa-wallpapers -interval 30s -cmdDefault kde
# automatically changes wallpaper every 30seconds
# rem to get and set NASA API KEY to env NASAKEY to avoid ratelimits
nasa-wallpapers -cmd "myCustomCommand %s"
# automatically changes wallpaper every 10 minutes with myCustomCommand