Simple orm - just orm.
Just init jorm parameters:
var jormParams = {
connectionString: "postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/base", // required
logger: custom_logger, // optional object with log, error, warn and info methods
db config:
var config = {
User: {
table: 'user',
fields: {
id : {pk: true}, // this is primary key to CRUD operations
created : {default: function(params){ return new Date() }}, // field allows auto init default values
name : {public: true }, // this field will be in public object by .getPublic() method with any parameter
hpassword : {},
email : {public: 'lite'}, // this field will be in public object by .getPublic() and .getPublic('lite') method
phone : {public: ['lite', 'full']}, // this field will be in public object by .getPublic(), .getPublic('lite'), .getPublic('full') and .getPublic('lite','anyOther') methods
is_alex : {db: false, default: function(params){ return == 'Alex' }}, // this field will be ignored in all db CRUD operations, but will be filled while user object created
post_count_cache: {sql: 'COALESCE(post_count_cache, 0)'}, // custom sql part for select column post_count_cache
comments_count: { db: 'demand', sql: 'COALESCE((SELECT count(*) FROM "comment" WHERE "comment"."user_id" = "user"."id"),0)' }, // this field including in query only by demand. All tables and columns must be with quotes (")
current_geo_id: {public:true, alias:'GeoCurrent'},
birth_geo_id : {public:true, alias:'GeoBirth'} // specify alias to separete fields in get request with joined objects (this is alternate method for 'alias' in 'join' params)
link : { db:false, getPublic: function(_this) { return 'href://'; } }, // getPublic - function for field, which calling while getPublic method for essence executing
// Optional possible DB triggers - all combinations of 'select', 'insert', 'update', 'delete' commands, and 'after', 'before', 'error' events
select_before : function(params, client, callback){
if(params.make_ext_request){ // make_ext_request - just for example
// ... make some action, incl. sql request with [client] ...
else callback();
insert_after : function(params, client, dataFromDB, callback){
if(params.make_ext_request){ // make_ext_request - just for example
// ... make some action, incl. sql request with [client] ...
callback(null, dataFromDB)
else callback(null, dataFromDB);
update_error : function(err, params, client, callback){
if(params.make_ext_request){ // make_ext_request - just for example
// ... make some action, incl. sql request with [client] ...
else callback(err);
init : function() {this.hpassword = someFuncToHashPass(, this.password)} // called after object created
and init jorm:
var jorm = require('jorm');
var dto = new jorm(jormParams, config);
var newUser = jorm.User.create({name: 'John', email: '[email protected]'})
If object's primary key field is null or undefined, then make insert. Else make update
save and delete supports optional params, which will be transfered to handlers, user){
if(err) return console.error(err);
// or{make_ext_request: true}, callback); = newName;, user){
if(err) return console.error(err);
Just delete it
if(err) return console.error(err);
// or
user.delete({make_ext_request: true});
id: userId // simple 'where' by id
}, function(err, users) {
if(err) return console.error(err);
if(users.length == 0)return console.log('UNKNOWN_USER_ID');
name :{comparsion: 'LIKE', value: '%a%'}, // 'where' by custom comparsion
email :{comparsion: 'is not null'}, // 'is null' comparsion
phone :{comparsion: 'is null'}, // 'is not null' comparsion
age_xyz :{columns: ['age'], comparsion: '>', value: 20}, // 'columns' fields override key, ...
any_field :{comparsion: 'LIKE', columns: ['name','description'], value: '%b%', and_or: 'OR'} // LIKE over name+description with "OR" clause
post_count : [1,2,3] // 'in' clause
gender : ['m','f', null] // => gender in ('m','f') or gender is null
}, {
and_or: 'or', // where by fields with 'OR' clause
fields: ['id', 'name'] // get from db only this fields
},function(err, users) {
if(err) return console.error(err);
console.log(users.getPublic()); // getPublic() work for arrays too
Avaliable comparsions: 'not in', '=', '<>', '<', '>', '<=', '=<', '>=', '=>', 'is null', 'is not null' and full set from
// empty fields params must be specified
}, {
demand: ['comments_count'], // get all fields from User, and 'demand' fields
limit: 10,
offset: 100,
order: {field: 'id', direction: 'asc'} // asc - default value for direction
}, function(err, users) {
if(err) return console.error(err);
Simple join table with minimum options
order: [
{field: 'id'},
{dto: dto.User, field: 'id'}
], // Order can be defined multiply times and can be over joined dto too
join: [
{join: dto.User, field: 'id', parent_field: 'user_id'}
]}, function(err, posts){
if(err) return console.error(err);
console.log(posts.getPublic()); // each post contains user creator
Join same table twice (join to joined table) with WHERE cluase by two tables
created: {comparsion: '>', value: new Date()}
join: [
{join: dto.User, to:dto.Post, field: 'id', parent_field: 'user_id', alias: 'Author'},
{join: dto.Comment, field: 'id', parent_field: 'user_id'}, // if 'to' omitted, main essence implied (Post in this example)
{join: dto.User, to: dto.Comment, field: 'id', parent_field: 'user_id', where: {created: {comparsion: '>', value: new Date()}}, alias: 'CommentUser'}, // join-to-join to first dto.Comment as parent
{join: dto.Post, to:'CommentUser', field: 'user_id', parent_field: 'id', }, // join to parent join with alias "CommentUser" (we can't use just "to:dto.User", because User already joined twice, and we need second one)
]}, function(err, posts){
if(err) return console.error(err);
console.log(posts.getPublic()); // each post contains User and Comment fields, each Comment contains User itself
#CRUD Handlers Each CRUD function can be wrapped with before and after handler.
Additionaly, parameter {transaction: true} for get, save and delete make handlers transaction safe.
var config = {
User: {
table: 'user',
fields: {
insert_before : function(params, client, callback) {
client.query('INSERT INTO "trace_log"(entry) values($1)', ["this_log_for_test_transactions"], function(err) {
// ...
var user = dto.User.create();{transaction: true}, function(err, user){
// if inserting this user fails, no trace log entry added in insert_before because of automatic rollback transaction in error handler
#Tests See 'test' folder