STIX-shifter is an open source python library allowing software to connect to products that house data repositories by using STIX Patterning, and return results as STIX Observations.
STIX-Shifter is the heart of the Universal Data Service (UDS) that is provided as part of IBM Security Connect.
For more information about this project, see the STIX-shifter Overview
This stix-shifter has the following dependencies:
- stix2-patterns>=1.1.0
- stix2-validator>=0.5.0
- stix2-matcher: There is no python package publish in pypi for stix2-matcher. The bellow command can be used to install this package:
pip install git+git://[email protected]#egg=stix2-matcher
- antlr4-python3-runtime==4.7
- python-dateutil>=2.7.3
Your development environment must use Python 3.6.x
The recommended method for installing the STIX-shifter is via pip.
pip install stix-shifter
We are thrilled you are considering contributing! We welcome all contributors.
Please read our guidelines for contributing.
If you want to create a new adapter for STIX-shifter, see the developer guide
©️ Copyright IBM Corp. 2018
All code contained within this project repository or any subdirectories is licensed according to the terms of the Apache v2.0 license, which can be viewed in the file LICENSE.