Lightweight +-200MB Mkdocs-material docker container with nginx/basic auth/ssl - self signed/webhook for pushes and auto mkdocs rebuild
The repo should be structured this way:
├── docs/
│ └──
| └── <additional docs go here>
├── mkdocs.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── nginx.conf
Clone and make it your own
Clone the repo - replace 'PAT', 'username' and 'repo' to match (https://[email protected]/popbangshwang/mkdocs.git)
- 'PAT' with personal access token
- 'username' with your repo username
- 'repo' with the repositories name
This assumes your user ID is 1000
sudo mkdir mydoco && sudo chown -R 1000:1000 mydoco
git clone -o upstream mydoco && cd mydoco
on Github, create new repository called "mydoco"
git remote add origin https://<PAT><username>/mydoco.git
git push -u origin master
Some/all of these commands may require 'sudo' depending on your environment
This container requires apache2-utils and openssl to generate the .htpasswd file and self signed ssl certificate:
- '' can use 'apt install' to install these.
Create a Github webhook - if you're using ngrok replace 'Payload URL' with ngrok address eg: (without the 8080 since this is done in you ngrok setup)
- webhook Payload URL - https//FQDN/hooked - /hooked is important
- make sure you have 8080 opened on you firewall
- Content type: application/json
- Secret: enter a secret for this webhook
- Which events: just the push event
- Active: tick
chmod +x && ./
- replace nginx-certificate.crt with your own crt if you have it
- mkdocs plugins can be installed - modify mkdocs.yml and Dockerfile for pip install