This Repository contains my dotfiles as well as scripts to manage the installation and configuration of various applications.
It is managed by YADM.
Used for the following systems systems:
To install the Dotfiles, install yadm
and run:
yadm clone --no-bootstrap
Set the corresponding classes of the machine, if needed:
# if the machine run on nvidia gpu and needs graphical user interface
yadm config --add local.class nvidia
# if the machine needs graphical user interfaces
yadm config --add local.class workstation
Now run the bootstrap script:
yadm bootstrap
You may now need to do some more things:
yadm decrypt
chsh -s $(which fish)
From fish run the following commands
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
eval (ssh-agent -c)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519