Stechec2 is a client-server turn-based strategy game match maker used during the French national computing contest. It is a complete rewrite of Stechec to achieve a simpler architecture.
Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2). For details see the files COPYING included with the Stechec2 distribution.
- gcc >= 4.7
- python
- zeromq
- zeromq C++ wrapper
- google-gflags
- googletest
- gcovr (for code coverage reports)
- python-yaml
- python-jinja2
- pkg-config
Arch Linux:
pacman --needed -S gcc zeromq gtest python-yaml python-jinja gflags gcovr
apt-get install build-essential libzmq3-dev python3-yaml \ python3-jinja2 libgtest-dev libgflags-dev gcovr pkg-config
apt-get install build-essential libzmq3-dev libzmqpp-dev python3-yaml \ python3-jinja2 libgtest-dev libgflags-dev gcovr pkg-config
Let's assume you want to install stechec2 with all the Prologin games, and then use it as a player.
Clone the stechec2 repository:
git clone cd stechec2
Then put every game you want to install in games/
for game in prologin{2012..2016}; do git clone${game}.git games/$game done
A simple test game, tictactoe
, is already installed in games/
You can then configure the project using waf, while specifying the games you want to use:
./ configure --with-games=tictactoe,prologin2016 --prefix=/usr
Then build and install it:
./ build install
Archlinux: A PKGBUILD is available in pkg/stechec2
run makepkg && pacman -U stechec2-*.pkg.tar.xz
To generate the player environment (different folders for each supported
languages), you can use the stechec2-generator
script installed by
stechec2-generator player tictactoe player_env
- php (warning: you may need to add
to your/etc/php/php.ini
) - php-embed
- ocaml
- mono
- jdk-java
- ghc
- rustc
- python-dev
pacman --needed -S php php-embed ocaml mono jdk11-openjdk ghc rust
apt-get install php-cli php-dev libphp-embed ocaml mono-devel ghc \ openjdk-11-jdk rustc python3-dev
You should now be able to choose your favorite language folder and begin to code:
cd player_env/python/ $EDITOR make
To create a tarball containing all your source files (you can add some by editing the Makefile), do:
make tar
To launch a match, you need to launch a stechec2-server
and one
per player. There is a wrapper called stechec2-run
which runs everything you need in separate child processes, and only needs a
tiny YAML configuration file to work.
A simple config.yml
could be:
rules: /usr/lib/ map: ./ verbose: 3 clients: - ./ - /path/to/other/ names: - Player 1 - Player 2
Then you can just launch the match easily:
stechec2-run config.yml
Spectators are players that don't take part of the game, but can watch its different states during the match (to display it or to log it, for instance).
Make sure to compile your spectator first:
cd /path/to/prologin2014/gui make
Then you just have to add those lines to the config.yml
spectators: - /path/to/prologin2014/gui/