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Updating Teambox

micho edited this page Feb 20, 2011 · 11 revisions

Before updating your Teambox installation, it’s good practice to backup your database. If you’ve already done that, read below for instructions for Linux or Heroku.

What we will do is, basically:

- Use Git to save your configuration changes to a safe place.
- Pull the new Teambox code.
- It’s possible that you’ll need to do a Git merge on this point. If you find this problem, refer to our mailing list
- Restore your configuration changes.
- Migrate the database.
- Restart the server.

It’s important to have some basic knowledge of Git before performing this. It is possible that you will find yourself having to perform a Git merge if we introduce new settings to configuration files.

Installed locally (Linux: Ubuntu, Centos,…)

git stash # this saves your changes to files in a stash
git pull  # this gets the new teambox code
bundle install # this updates the gems
git stash pop # now we can restore your configuration changes
bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
rm public/sprockets.js # removes cached version of JavaScript libraries
rm -rf tmp/cache/* # clears the cache

At this point, you can restart the server. For Passenger, this is done with:

touch tmp/restart.txt


Installed on Heroku

git stash 
git pull origin master
git stash pop
git push heroku master
heroku rake db:migrate

Heroku will restart automatically. If it doesn’t, just do “heroku restart”.
