The idea here is to make it extremely easy to keep a drat repository up to date.
Suppose you have a drat that tracks a number of upstream github repos (here the repos are the package repositories and drat repository will be the drat itself). Say, reomoji, rfiglet and cowsay
In the root of an existing drat repository or in a new empty directory, make a file called packages.txt
Then run
which will download the most recent sources for those packages, build them (source versions only, but will build vignettes) and add them to drat following the best practice commit log so that each log entry reads like
<package_name> <version> <sha> <url>
rfiglet 0.1.0 4b65d19
and then a shell script drat.builder
is available. It takes all the arguments that drat.builder::build
takes, but is useful to run from the command line. See
drat.builder --help
for help.
takes options
-- installs packages before building so that vignettes can be builtinstall_local
-- impliesinstall
, and installs locally and temporarily rather than into a system-readable libraryno_fetch
-- suppresses fetching packages
The file packages.txt
roughly follows the convention started by devtools;
-- install package from a subdirusername/repo@ref
-- install a particular referenceusername/repo/subdir@ref
-- both a subdir and a reference
The @ref
syntax will be useful to anchor drat builds to particular versions, rather than constantly reading off HEAD
of the upstream repo. This will be easy when the upstream repo uses github releases and semantic versioning as you can write:
richfitz/[email protected]
To avoid polluting the drat repo, drat.builder
will try to avoid rebuilding. To do this it keeps a file packages.json
with version numbers and sha values of the installed packages.
- support for non-github packages (e.g., using full URL)
- support for preventing vignette build (e.g. long options to
R CMD build