In android platform, integrate smb client and play media item in smb servers.
- use jcifs open source,
- the jcifs version is 1.2.25. In this repository, the jcifs-1.2.25.jar file is compiled by myself, which is patched by LargeReadWrite.patch
- is based on NanoHTTPD open source.
- is based on AsyncHttp open source.
- why use http server? Because MediaPlayer in android can't play smb protocal files directly, http server covert http to smb protocal.
- How to build jcifs open source. (0) download jcifs source code. (1) download JavaEE sdk, add javax.servlet-api.jar in this sdk into class path of the operation system. (2) modify the javac tool path in build.xml according to your operation system. (3) use ant to compile.
- why use jcifs 1.2.25 version, because this version support smb servers scan.
- In order to quickly read smb file in http server and play video smoothly, we must do: (1) follow the step 2, patched by the LargeReadWrite.patch. (2) System.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.dfs.disabled", "true") in code.