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Pocketbase Mobile

Pocketbase mobile is used to generate android and ios packages for using pocketbase in mobiles

To build

Make sure gomobile is installed

run : gomobile bind -androidapi 19 for Android, this will generate pocketbaseMobile.aar, import this in android and use

run : gomobile bind --target ios for IOS or try : gomobile bind -ldflags='-extldflags=-libresolv.tbd' -target=ios

To use in Flutter

Checkout pocketbase_server_flutter

To use in Android

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
     maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.rohitsangwan01:pocketbase_mobile:Tag'


Use CoroutineScope to call pocketbase methods ( import kotlin coroutines libraries)

private val uiScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + Job())

To start pocketbase

// use dataPath where app have write access, for example temporary cache path `context.cacheDir.absolutePath` or filePath
uiScope.launch {
    withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
        PocketbaseMobile.startPocketbase(dataPath, hostname, port, enableApiLogs)

To stop pocketbase

uiScope.launch {
    withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

To listen pocketbase events, and also handle custom api requests

pocketbaseMobile have two custom routes as well ,/api/nativeGet and /api/nativePost, we can get these routes in this callback and return response from kotlin

PocketbaseMobile.registerNativeBridgeCallback { command, data ->
    this.runOnUiThread {
        // Update ui from here
    // return response back to pocketbase
    "response from native"

To use in IOS

Download and extract, then add this to ios project,

If getting error related to Undefined symbol, Select Build Phases and in Link Binary With Libraries section, click on + button and search for libresolv.tbd and choose from result and click on Add

checkout this for more info


Checkout Pocketbase Server Flutter for android and ios implementation in flutter

Checkout Pocketbase Server Android for native android implementation


  • To create a secure localChat server or maybe a file storage system or anything which provided by pocketBase
  • To use an old android device as local server to host PocketBase
  • To use a mobile app which is based on PocketBase, so we can simply run PocketBase server within mobile and show demo of our application, useful for someone who don't want to host pocketBase yet
  • To use Pocketbase as a College project,and for students team who want to show demo of a mobile app but can't afford hosting or something , so all they have to do is , run pocketBase server from there mobile and their main app which is based on pocketBase is ready to use


Checkout a Flutter chatApp built using pocketbase: flutter_pocketbase_chat


pocketbase mobile version







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