Download the local version of DynamoDB ( ) and run it
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
aws configure
Then run ./bootstrap
This will take a while as it downloads about two months of data.
Then you can start playing with
If you want to slurp things from Slack, you'll need a file that looks like this:
read_token = "xox[pb]-RESTOFMYTOKEN..."
post_token = "xox[pb]-..."
read_token and post_token can be the same -- we allow you to specify different ones because if you use a bot token for post_token messages will look a little cleaner, but if you use a bot token for read_token, the bot will need to be in every public channel. One easy solution to this is using the xoxp (user) token for read_token and xoxb (bot) token for write_token
And then you'll want to tweak as appropriate