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This project takes a look at the prevalence of tweets including and inspired by the titular tweet, the origins of which are somewhat difficult to nail down. Some experts attribute the meme in its current iteration to twitter user @emiilywrld, who tweeted "so you mean to tell me that a shrimp fried this rice" in mid 2018, though variations on the joke have been traced back to several years earlier. In any case, no data science portfolio is complete without a little time series forecasting, and twitter data can be fun! (in moderation)
Time series forecasting is an approach with lots of useful and valuable applications, but most time-series datasets (stock prices, commodity prices, GDP data, etc) are not terribly interesting to me. As a compromise, I found some fun data and did a quick runthrough of it, take the practical application of this "research" with a grain of salt
The dataset used for the current project was pulled from the Storywrangler API, which provides twitter data for target ngrams over time with a variety of metrics
- The Quarto report in html format