An implementation of the fastest JSON parser for Erlang/Elixir using the C++
simdjson NIF library. The decoding speed
of this parser is about 2.5 times faster than jiffy
See full documentation of the C++ library.
Only a subset of functionality is implemented:
- Ability to decode JSON terms using a main scheduler or a dirty scheduler based on the size of JSON binary input.
- Ability to cache the decoded term, and access its key/value pairs using
a NIF based
function. - The resources stored in the cache will get automatically garbage collected when the owner process dies.
For small JSON objects simdjsone
is about twice faster than
jiffy and for large JSON objects, it's about
30% faster than jiffy
The following decoding options are supported in decode(String, Options)
- decode JSON object as map (this is default)object_as_tuple
- decode JSON object as a proplist wrapped in a tuplededup_keys
- eliminate duplicate keys from a JSON objectuse_nil
- decode JSON "null" asnil
{null_term, V}
- use the given valueV
for a JSON "null"
The following encoding options are supported in encode(String, Options)
- escape UTF-8 sequences to produce a 7-bit clean outputpretty
- return JSON using two-space indentationuse_nil
- encode the atomnil
- escape the/
character (useful when encoding URLs){bytes_per_red, N}
- whereN
>= 0 - This controls the number of bytes that the NIF library will process as an equivalent to a reduction. Each 20 reductions we consume 1% of our allocated time slice for the current process. When the Erlang VM indicates we need to return from the NIF.
NOTE: Since the simdjson library currently doen't have an implementation of a JSON encoder, the encoding implementation is the jiffy's modified encoder optimized for speed when encoding integers.
The implementation includes simdjson:int_to_bin/1
function that is about 30%
faster than erlang:integer_to_binary/1
, but it's limited to integers in range:
(-1 bsl 63) <= I <= (1 bsl 62)
Serge Aleynikov
Include the following dependency in your project.
Erlang (rebar.config
{deps, [{simdjsone, "0.5.0"}]}.
Elixir (mix.exs
def deps() do
[{:simdjsone, "~> 0.5.0"}]
$ make deps compile
$ MIX_ENV=dev make deps compile
1> simdjson:decode("{\"a\": [1,2,3], \"b\": 123, \"c\": 12.234}").
#{<<"a">> => [1,2,3],<<"b">> => 123,<<"c">> => 12.234}
After calling the simdjson:parse/1
, the function simdjson:get/2
returns the value stored in a given path:
1> Ref = simdjson:parse("{\"a\": [1,2,3], \"b\": 123, \"c\": 12.234}").
2> simdjson:get(Ref, "/a").
3> simdjson:get(Ref, "/b").
4> simdjson:get(Ref, "/a/c").
1> simdjson:encode(#{a => [1,2,3], <<"b">> => 123, c => 12.234}).
2> simdjson:encode({[{a, [1,2,3]}, {<<"b">>, 123}, {c, 12.234}]}).
To run the performance benchmark of simdjsone
jiffy and thoas
do the following (prefix the command with CXX=clang++
for using Clang C++
$ make benchmark
=== Benchmark (file size: 616.7K) ===
simdjsone: 2526.420us
euneus: 5314.820us
thoas: 5452.380us
json: 5541.130us
jiffy: 10182.650us
=== Benchmark (file size: 1.3K) ===
simdjsone: 6.940us
thoas: 8.270us
euneus: 9.790us
json: 10.000us
jiffy: 16.640us
=== Benchmark (file size: 0.1K) ===
simdjsone: 1.930us
euneus: 2.300us
json: 2.500us
jiffy: 2.770us
thoas: 2.830us
If you have Elixir installed, the project also includes a benchmark for the jason and poison Elixir parsers. The Elixir benchmarks are more exhaustive:
$ MIX_ENV=test make benchmark
=== Benchmark (file size: 616.7K) ===
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
simdjsone 344.00 2.91 ms ±18.13% 2.63 ms 4.82 ms
poison 154.88 6.46 ms ±10.31% 6.25 ms 9.96 ms
jason 153.87 6.50 ms ±11.37% 6.30 ms 10.18 ms
thaos 147.71 6.77 ms ±11.53% 6.52 ms 10.64 ms
euneus 142.47 7.02 ms ±22.71% 6.50 ms 13.47 ms
jiffy 78.74 12.70 ms ±12.83% 12.52 ms 21.65 ms
simdjsone 344.00
poison 154.88 - 2.22x slower +3.55 ms
jason 153.87 - 2.24x slower +3.59 ms
thaos 147.71 - 2.33x slower +3.86 ms
euneus 142.47 - 2.41x slower +4.11 ms
jiffy 78.74 - 4.37x slower +9.79 ms
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
simdjsone 0.00153 MB
poison 1.84 MB - 1200.09x memory usage +1.84 MB
jason 1.81 MB - 1182.38x memory usage +1.81 MB
thaos 1.81 MB - 1182.31x memory usage +1.81 MB
euneus 1.87 MB - 1219.47x memory usage +1.87 MB
jiffy 3.19 MB - 2077.98x memory usage +3.19 MB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
=== Benchmark (file size: 1.3K) ===
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
simdjsone 177.77 K 5.63 μs ±187.84% 4.90 μs 16.90 μs
euneus 101.90 K 9.81 μs ±94.81% 9 μs 22.30 μs
poison 98.29 K 10.17 μs ±87.43% 9.40 μs 23.30 μs
jason 95.18 K 10.51 μs ±99.89% 9.50 μs 30.70 μs
jiffy 88.49 K 11.30 μs ±259.91% 9.30 μs 32.60 μs
thaos 84.36 K 11.85 μs ±57.49% 10.90 μs 25.90 μs
simdjsone 177.77 K
euneus 101.90 K - 1.74x slower +4.19 μs
poison 98.29 K - 1.81x slower +4.55 μs
jason 95.18 K - 1.87x slower +4.88 μs
jiffy 88.49 K - 2.01x slower +5.68 μs
thaos 84.36 K - 2.11x slower +6.23 μs
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
simdjsone 1.57 KB
euneus 5.22 KB - 3.32x memory usage +3.65 KB
poison 5.57 KB - 3.55x memory usage +4 KB
jason 5.29 KB - 3.37x memory usage +3.72 KB
jiffy 1.55 KB - 0.99x memory usage -0.01563 KB
thaos 5.22 KB - 3.32x memory usage +3.65 KB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
=== Benchmark (file size: 0.1K) ===
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
simdjsone 820.20 K 1.22 μs ±1445.57% 1.10 μs 3.30 μs
poison 576.53 K 1.73 μs ±1017.41% 1.40 μs 4.00 μs
thaos 489.07 K 2.04 μs ±1003.95% 1.80 μs 4.70 μs
euneus 483.75 K 2.07 μs ±624.18% 1.80 μs 4.70 μs
jason 435.99 K 2.29 μs ±752.86% 2 μs 5.70 μs
jiffy 311.21 K 3.21 μs ±652.57% 2.50 μs 9.10 μs
simdjsone 820.20 K
poison 576.53 K - 1.42x slower +0.52 μs
thaos 489.07 K - 1.68x slower +0.83 μs
euneus 483.75 K - 1.70x slower +0.85 μs
jason 435.99 K - 1.88x slower +1.07 μs
jiffy 311.21 K - 2.64x slower +1.99 μs
Memory usage statistics:
Name Memory usage
simdjsone 0.50 KB
poison 1.32 KB - 2.64x memory usage +0.82 KB
thaos 1.20 KB - 2.41x memory usage +0.70 KB
euneus 1.20 KB - 2.41x memory usage +0.70 KB
jason 1.27 KB - 2.55x memory usage +0.77 KB
jiffy 1.46 KB - 2.92x memory usage +0.96 KB
**All measurements for memory usage were the same**
- Add support for
- Add support for