Manage SSH public keys stored in ActiveDirectory
With Windows 10 Build 1709 and Windows Server 2016 the OpenSSH client and server is available as an optional feature. OpenSSH for Windows is still in Beta. You can use it from command line or with PowerShell instead of WinRM. The idea was to make a tool like ssh-ldap-pubkey based on PowerShell. It should run on Windows PowerShell 2-5.1 and PowerShell Core 6.x. Unfortunately the .Net 3.5 assemblies for Active Directory Access are only available for Windows and not Linux or Mac.
At the time of writing the code it wasn't clear to me that the option AuthorizedKeysCommand is out of project scope because Windows don't support a fork. This is why you can't use a wrapper for OpenSSH server under Windows who fetch the SSH Public Key of the user!
Good question. Currently we must wait because it makes no sense to administrate SSH Public Keys for Linux and Mac under Windows. 😉
However, if you are still interest then take a look to the file ssh-ad-pubkey.pdf in the directory doc.
There are the following steps to do:
- Extend the Active Directrory schema
- Optional: Delegate the rights to change the SSH Public Key to the users for self serving.
- Execute the PowerShell script ssh-ad-pubkey to manage the SSH Public Key in Active Directory
For Installation of the schema extention must be member of Schema Admins. You need Domain Admin or equivalent rights for the optional delegation task. The same is true to add, remove or change the SSH Public Key for other users.
To use Powershell with the ssh protocol you have th add a PowerShell subsystem entry into sshd_config
Start Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core. First check whether the schema is correct
PS C:\scripts> .\ssh-ad-pubkey.ps1 -check
Customized AD Schema is OK!
Add your public SSH Key to Active Dricetory, which was created before with the command ssh-keygen –t ed25519
PS C:\scripts> .\ssh-ad-pubkey.ps1 -add -filepath C:\Users\`<xxx>`\.ssh\
List your key(s) in Active Directory
PS C:\scripts> .\ssh-ad-pubkey.ps1 -list
<xxx> has 1 SSH Public Key(s) in AD:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIC/W0JyvJut/Tlro2JR8aOsonHEAOTNSU1PVjTUz60i9 <xxx>@domain@host
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Jirutka for inspiration