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Releases: scaleway/ultraviolet

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

07 Mar 13:29
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Minor Changes

  • #4798 63f9b91 Thanks @matthprost! - - <Popup />: fix when there is no animation to not add a setTimeout to close the popup. This will improve the behavior of <SelectInputV2 /> and make the testing less random.
    • <SelectableCard />: remove pointer events on the radio. We were already doing it with the checkbox version. Also improved tabulation to be more accessible.
    • <Label />: improve component to accept as prop that can take either label or legend. It also accept sentiment and disabled props now. The mouse pointer will be a pointer as well when htmlFor is passed.
    • <SelectInputV2 />: improve the focusable elements and fix a visual bug to double click to open the dropdown. Also when there is no space in the input the text will be ellipsis.
    • New component <SelectableCardOptionGroup />

Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

07 Mar 13:29
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Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

07 Mar 13:29
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Minor Changes

  • #4826 9759355 Thanks @matthprost! - New illustration instanceScalingGroups:
    • instanceScalingGroupsContent
    • instanceScalingGroupsKeyvisual
    • instanceScalingGroupsOriginal
    • instanceScalingGroupsWire

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

07 Mar 13:29
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Minor Changes

  • #4823 b160d8f Thanks @matthprost! - - New icons <ListNumberIcon />, <ListBulletIcon />, <ItalicIcon />, <BoldIcon />, <UnderlineIcon />, <MongoDbProductIcon />, <VpnProductIcon /> and <WafProductIcon />.
    • <DocumentDbProductIcon /> is now deprecated and should be replaced by <MongoDbProductIcon />.
    • <AsteriskIcon /> is now deprecated and should be replaced by the letter * from fonts.
    • <CrossCircleIcon /> is now deprecated and should be replaced by <CloseCircleOutlineIcon />.
    • <CrossCircleOutlineIcon /> is now deprecated and should be replaced by <CloseCircleOutlineIcon />.
    • <DragVariantIcon /> is now deprecated and should be replaced by <DragIcon />.

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

07 Mar 13:29
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Minor Changes

Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

03 Mar 16:19
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Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

03 Mar 16:19
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Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

03 Mar 16:19
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Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

03 Mar 16:19
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Patch Changes

@ultraviolet/[email protected]

27 Feb 09:11
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Minor Changes

  • #4793 c231fb2 Thanks @matthprost! - More component have icon prop deprecated. You can directly use the imported icon you need in the children.

    Here is the list of components with icon prop deprecated and how to migrate them:


    icon and iconVariant props are deprecated. You can directly use the imported icon you need in the children.

    // Before
    import { Bullet } from '@ultraviolet/ui'
    <Bullet icon="check" />
    <Bullet icon="check" iconVariant="outlined" />
    // After
    import { Bullet } from '@ultraviolet/ui'
    import { CheckIcon, CheckCircleOutlineIcon } from '@ultraviolet/icons'
      <CheckIcon />
      <CheckCircleOutlineIcon />


    icon prop is deprecated. You can directly use the imported icon you need in the children.

    // Before
    import { AvatarV2 } from "@ultraviolet/ui";
    <AvatarV2 variant="icon" shape="circle" sentiment="primary" icon="mosaic" />;
    // After
    import { AvatarV2 } from "@ultraviolet/ui";
    import { MosaicIcon } from "@ultraviolet/icons";
    <AvatarV2 variant="icon" shape="circle" sentiment="primary">
      <MosaicIcon size="xlarge" />


    icon prop is deprecated. You can directly use the imported icon you need in the children.

    // Before
    import { Separator } from "@ultraviolet/ui";
    <Separator direction="vertical" icon="ray-top-arrow" />;
    // After
    import { Separator } from "@ultraviolet/ui";
    import { RayTopArrowIcon } from "@ultraviolet/icons";
    <Separator direction="vertical">
      <RayTopArrowIcon size="medium" />


    icon prop is deprecated. You can directly use the imported icon you need in the children.

    // Before
    import { Tag } from "@ultraviolet/ui";
    <Tag icon="check">Valid</Tag>;
    // After
    import { Tag } from "@ultraviolet/ui";
    import { CheckIcon } from "@ultraviolet/icons";
      <CheckIcon size="small" />

    You can find this migration documented in the Ultraviolet UI Storybook.

Patch Changes

  • #4809 4a0a1fb Thanks @lisalupi! - <UnitInput />: fix component width, font-size and background-color

  • #4792 e650ee6 Thanks @renovate! - Updated dependency @types/react to 19.0.10.
    Updated dependency @types/react-dom to 19.0.4.
    Updated dependency eslint-plugin-react-hooks to 5.1.0.

  • #4775 f1902a6 Thanks @renovate! - Updated dependency @babel/core to 7.26.9.
    Updated dependency @babel/runtime to 7.26.9.
    Updated dependency @babel/eslint-parser to 7.26.8.
    Updated dependency @babel/plugin-transform-runtime to 7.26.9.
    Updated dependency @babel/preset-env to 7.26.9.

  • #4797 8273a0f Thanks @matthprost! - Fix <RadioGroup />, <CheckboxGroup /> and <ToggleGroup /> not to show empty div when legend is empty

  • Updated dependencies [e650ee6, f1902a6]: