Drivers I've made or modified for my Hubitat Elevation (
iSmartGate Modified for iSmartGate controller from GoGoGate driver by
- Install as new driver in "drivers code" section of Hubitat
- Add a new Virtual Driver, selecting "iSmartGate Garage Controller" as the driver - name it to designate the door it will control
- Insert the IP address of the iSmartGate (static IP needed), username, password and the garage door this driver will control
Note: Individual drivers are needed for each door connected to the iSmartGate - choose door 1, 2 or 3 when configuring driver.
iSmartGate available via
Nue Zigbee Single, Double and Triple Gang Wall Switch Drivers Modified to allow Endpoint to be set by preference setting from original driver by
Zigbee switches available from in Australia