An Ansible Role that installs Logstash(5.x & 6.x) on RedHat/CentOS Debian/Ubuntu.
Though other methods are possible, this role is made to work with Elasticsearch as a backend for storing log messages.
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
- http://localhost:9200
The hosts where Logstash should ship logs to Elasticsearch.
logstash_ssl_dir: /etc/pki/logstash
logstash_ssl_certificate_file: logstash-forwarder-example.crt
logstash_ssl_key_file: logstash-forwarder-example.key
Local paths to the SSL certificate and key files, which will be copied into the logstash_ssl_dir
For utmost security, you should use your own valid certificate and keyfile, and update the logstash_ssl_*
variables in your playbook to use your certificate.
To generate a self-signed certificate/key pair, you can use use the command:
$ sudo openssl req -x509 -batch -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout logstash.key -out logstash.crt
Note that filebeat and logstash may not work correctly with self-signed certificates unless you also have the full chain of trust (including the Certificate Authority for your self-signed cert) added on your server. See: elastic/logstash#4926 (comment)
logstash_enabled_on_boot: yes
Set this to no
if you don't want logstash to run on system startup.
- logstash-input-beats
A list of Logstash plugins that should be installed.
logstash_enable_xpack: true
Set this to false if you don't to install x-pack
logstash_heap_size: 1g
This will set logstash's heap to 1g.
logstash_major_version: 6.x
This can be either 5.x or 6.x
logstash_version: 6.1.0
Specify specific version of logstash you want to install
logstash_xpack_monitoring_enable: true
Set this to true if you want to enable logstash monitoring in elasticsearch. If this is set to true you have to specify logstash_system_username & logstash_system_password.
logstash_system_username: logstash_system
logstash_system_password: changeme
If you want to enable logstash management in elasticsearch you have to set logstash_xpack_management_enable to true:
logstash_xpack_management_enable: true
If above option is set then you have to specify logstash_admin_username, logstash_admin_password & logstash_management_pipeline_id_list
logstash_admin_username: logstash_admin
logstash_admin_password: changeme
logstash_management_pipeline_id_list: ['id1', 'id2', 'id3']
You can specify logstash_path_data and logstash_path_log options to change default values of and path.log respectively.
logstash_install_conf: true
logstash_conf_src_path: <directory path containing conf files>
If you want to install custom logstash configuration files you can specify logstash_install_conf to true and specify local path of the directory where configuration files are located. This role will install all the files in this directory to /etc/logstash/conf.d/ directory.
logstash_install_dictionary: true
logstash_dictionary_src_path: dictionary
logstash_dictionary_dst_path: /etc/logstash/dictionary
If you want to install custom dictionary for translate filter, set logstash_install_dictionary to true. Also, specify local path of directory where all the directory files are located. Also specify destination of the dictionary on remote logstash host.
logstash_extra_conf_options: {
pipeline.workers: 24,
config.reload.automatic: true,
queue.type: persisted,
queue.page_capacity: 1gb,
queue.max_bytes: 150gb,
queue.checkpoint.acks: 0,
queue.checkpoint.writes: 0,
queue.checkpoint.interval: 10000
If you want to add any other custom configurations, specify them under logstash_extra_conf_options variable. This role will add these options in logstash.yml file at the target logstash host.
This role also adds LS_HOSTNAME environment variable in /etc/defaults/logstash which can be usable inside your logstash configuration files. It's very useful if you want to add logstash host information in elasticsearch document.
- hosts: search
- ansible-role-logstash
This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps. This role is then modified by Shri Bodas in 2018.