This is a Zephyr Workspace T2 topology that sets up to build the SIOT Zephyr application.
- install Zephyr dependencies as outlined in the Getting Started Guide
mkdir zephyr-siot
cd zephyr-siot
west init -m
west update
cd siot
(notice leading.
cd zephyr-siot/siot
(notice leading.
)siot_build_<board> src/<app>
siot_flash (STM32)
siot_flash_esp <serial port>
(serial port is required for ESP targets)
The SIOT firmware applications all have the serial shell enabled, so you can connect to that to interact with the system.
Highly recommend the tio tool.
tio /dev/serial/by-id/...
- siot-net: Start of generic network connected SIOT app
- siot-serial: Start of generic serial connected SIOT app
- siggen: Signal generator app that uses DAC output.