Releases: somakeit/smib
Releases · somakeit/smib
v1.3.0 - Websites and wireless updates
What's Changed
- Add async UI log uploader to periodically upload UI log to server by @sjefferson99 in #211
- Add logging feature for space open/close events by @sam57719 in #213
- Make add hours timeout configurable. by @sjefferson99 in #232
- Add a timeout and graceful abort if unable to reach state change API.… by @sjefferson99 in #234
- Add GPIO relay pin option based on space state (needs testing) by @sjefferson99 in #238
- Add a missing config parser by @sjefferson99 in #245
- SMIBHID has a webserver! Closes #248 by @sjefferson99 in #249
- Ability to "top up" space open hours if already open. Closes #254 by @sjefferson99 in #255
- Apply new firmware over the air by @sjefferson99 in #260
- Update installation instructions for Raspberry Pi with 64 bit OS by @sjefferson99 in #212
- Reset warning message added to HID logger, added reset button to circ… by @sjefferson99 in #218
- Sepregate the plugin config by @sam57719 in #221
- Dockerfile and docker compose improvements by @sam57719 in #226
- Add MongoDB volume mappings in docker-compose-pi.yml by @sam57719 in #225
- Updated diagram for relay control. Closes #246 by @sjefferson99 in #247
- Change ulogger references by @sam57719 in #263
- Upgrade project dependencies and bump version to 1.3.0. by @sam57719 in #265
- Mongo db env var fix by @sam57719 in #220
- Fix add hours option when opening from none state. Fixes #229 by @sjefferson99 in #233
- Added checks on start poll and update screen for space state to not o… by @sjefferson99 in #243
- Add logic to suppress space state errors if no wifi connection. This … by @sjefferson99 in #244
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
v1.2.0 - Open for hours
What's Changed
- Generate hostname from MAC for SMIBHID by @sjefferson99 in #173
- Add custom hostname option to smibhid by @sjefferson99 in #161
- Add hostname to rest request headers by @sjefferson99 in #183
- feat(webserver): Add device hostname and IP logging by @sam57719 in #191
- Implement async scrolling text on LCD1602 display. (72) by @sjefferson99 in #165
- Add busy spinner to SMIBHID display by @sjefferson99 in #166
- Support displaying errors related to networking on SMIBHID by @sjefferson99 in #164
- add-rfid-mfrc522-support by @sjefferson99 in #181
- Option to disable RFID reader in SMIBHID config file by @sjefferson99 in #188
- feat: Update Docker Compose files to allow building with different branches by @sam57719 in #190
- Added space open for x hours processing to space open processing on SMIB API by @sam57719 in #192
- Support hours to open space for @sjefferson99 in #195
- Add optional env file to git branch compose files by @sam57719 in #153
- Add docker-compose configuration for Raspberry Pi by @sam57719 in #147
- Remove develop branch and move to pull into master by @sjefferson99 in #154
- ✨ Add logs/ and *.log to .gitignore by @sam57719 in #155
- Add SMIB summary to readme. Fixes #149 by @sjefferson99 in #156
- build: Disable slack_api initialization and remove unnecessary imports by @sjefferson99 in #159
- Add module config object for network monitor by @sjefferson99 in #163
- feat(space_state): Remove unnecessary error_id setters and getters by @sjefferson99 in #196
- feat: Update deployment instructions for Pico W with minimum Micropython firmware v1.22.2 by @sjefferson99 in #197
- Fixed my linter - space_state and main by @sjefferson99 in #198
- build: Add .pylintrc to .gitignore by @sjefferson99 in #199
- refactor: Add exception for unregistered modules in Module Config. by @sjefferson99 in #200
- Refactor existing code to use UI state machine by @sjefferson99 in #202
- Update circuit diagram to correct display power pin, fixes #150 by @sjefferson99 in #158
- Fix merge error and reinstate scrolling error call by @sjefferson99 in #172
- Remove network monitor from moduleconfig, fix duplicated monitoring code in networking. by @sjefferson99 in #176
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
v1.1.0 - Display, errors and logging
What's Changed
- Added display framework
- Added driver for 2x16 lcd display by @sjefferson99 in #103
- Display documentation by @sjefferson99 in #135
- Add firmware version to HID, with log and display out. by @sjefferson99 in #115
- Swagger API Docs by @sam57719 in #126
- Restart: unless-stopped in docker configuration to improve reliability on power outage by @sam57719 in #130
- File based logging for smibhid by @sjefferson99 in #131
- Add error output to smibhid display by @sjefferson99 in #142
- Bring docker-compose-develop.yml and docker-compose-master.yml inline… by @sam57719 in #108
- Move space state logic out of HID to new module and class. by @sjefferson99 in #111
- Handle SlackApiError exceptions in the space open/close plugin by @sam57719 in #112
- Versioning info in readme by @sam57719 in #116
- Update Python version in README and Dockerfile by @sam57719 in #121
- Make configuration directory configurable by @sam57719 in #109
- Log level usage improvements by @sam57719 in #127
- Refactor display and lcd driver modules by @sjefferson99 in #132
- Dockerfile change to copy env file into the container by @sam57719 in #136
- Update version in pyproject.toml by @sam57719 in #144
- Improved space state update logic on state poller by @sjefferson99 in #123
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
v1.0.0 - SMIB state API and SMIBHID space state buttons
What's Changed
- State space API and SMIBHID buttons implementation
- Create physical button to announce space open in slack by @sjefferson99 in #42
- Add debounce capability by @sjefferson99 in #46
- Added space open and closed button to SMIB with configurable channel by @sjefferson99 in #4
- Add PUT method for events and http event listeners for space open and… by @sam57719 in #37
- Update error handling in slack module by @sam57719 in #31
- Add error checking to smibhid state by @sjefferson99 in #93
- Central database for storing space information persistently, such as space state by @sam57719 in #48
- Make smibhid state aware, have SMIB set state on button press and SMIBHID poll for state updates - supports multiple space setters by @sjefferson99 in #76
- Docker build process implemented and optimised by @sam57719 in #27
- Detect and log how many active connections there are by @sam57719 in #35
- Rename SMIBHID to micropython compatible by @sjefferson99 in #91
- Add DB Web UI credentials and update environment variables by @sam57719 in #90
- Bump jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 by @dependabot in #62
- Bump werkzeug from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #61
- Refactor URL configuration in by @sam57719 in #28
- Remove redundant source and random test plugins by @sam57719 in #33
- Update project version to 1.0.0 in pyproject.toml by @sam57719 in #55
- Improve naming and pep8 compliance by @sjefferson99 in #63
- Updated Poetry dependencies with new versions by @sam57719 in #64
- Remove tests by @sam57719 in #65
- Assets folder by @sam57719 in #74
- CONTRIBUTING file added by @sjefferson99 in #73
- Readme legacy commands section by @sam57719 in #84
- Remove erroneous duplicate lines from failed merge conflict resolution by @sjefferson99 in #87
- Config Split by @sam57719 in #69
- App Home Updates by @sam57719 in #88
New Contributors
- @sjefferson99 made their first contribution in #4
- @sam57719 made their first contribution in #37
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #62
Full Changelog: