A Kotlin (Java) library for API communication with web-based invoicing service Fakturoid.cz. API v2 is supported only. Please see API documentation for more details.
// Define the dependency version
buildscript {
ext {
fakturoidVersion = 'THE_VERSION'
// Add the Jitpack repository
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
// Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile "com.github.somemove:fakturoid-kt:$fakturoidVersion"
String userAgent = "Example call ([email protected])";
String slug = "example";
String email = "[email protected]";
String apiKey = "1a2b3c...";
Fakturoid f = new Fakturoid(slug, email, apiKey, userAgent);
f.fireEvent(123456, "mark_as_sent");