This is a helper module used by Status internal repos like: infra-hq, infra-misc, infra-eth-cluster, or infra-swarm.
Simply import the modue using the source
module "google-cloud" {
source = ""
- Scaling
- Number of hosts to start in this zone.image
- OS image used to create host. (default:ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2204-lts
- Type of machine to deploy. (default:n1-standard-1
- Specific zone in which to deploy hosts. (default:us-central1-a
- Type of the base/root volume. (default:pd-standard
- Size of the base/root volume. (default:10
- Type of the extra data volume. (default:pd-balanced
- Size of the extra data volume. (default:0
- General
- Prefix of hostname before index. (default:node
- Name of Ansible group to add hosts to.env
- Environment for these hosts, affects DNS entries.stage
- Name of stage, likeprod
, orstaging
- Security
- Location of the Ansible playbook to run.ssh_user
- User used to log in to instance (default:root
- Names of ssh public keys to add to created hosts.win_password
- Password for theadmin
user created withsetup.ps1
- TCP port ranges to enable access from outside. Format:N-N
- UDP port ranges to enable access from outside. Format:N-N
- IP Address ranges to block. Format: CIDR (default:[]
- CloudFlare DNS domain zone ID. (ID
- DNS Domain for hostnames. (
If you want to create a Windows host you'll have to specify a different image
and win_password
You will also most probably have to specify a different bootstrap Ansible playbook.
module "google-cloud" {
image = "windows-cloud/windows-server-2004-dc-core-v20200813"
win_password = "my-secret-password"
ansible_playbook = "./ansible/win_bootstrap.yml"
You can help yourself debug boot process of new instances using the following commands:
gcloud beta compute connect-to-serial-port "${INSTANCE_NAME}"
gcloud beta compute instances get-serial-port-output "${INSTANCE_NAME}"
But it requires the serial-port-enable
metadata attribute to be true for the given host.