- feat: Support storybook/test for expect imports #194 (@valentinpalkovic)
- Valentin Palkovic (@valentinpalkovic)
- Upgrade corepack/pnpm #191 (@kasperpeulen)
- default-exports: Support CSF factory style meta #187 (@yannbf)
- docs: Explicitly mention flat config for findability #190 (@Sidnioulz)
- fix(deps): add typescript as a peer dependency #189 (@TomKalina)
- Kasper Peulen (@kasperpeulen)
- Steve Dodier-Lazaro (@Sidnioulz)
- Tonda (TomΓ‘Ε‘) Kalina (@TomKalina)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Type configs using literal types #182 (@ethanwu10)
- Ethan Wu (@ethanwu10)
- Update docs to be more clear about extended categories #179 (@yannbf)
- chore: Update the link for eslintignore doc #163 (@tunawasabi)
- wasabi (@tunawasabi)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Fix: Bring back non-categorized rules #176 (@yannbf)
- Build: Refactor, fix issues reported by eslint and format md files #175 (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Bump CSF version to remove lodash transitive dep #171 (@kasperpeulen)
- Kasper Peulen (@kasperpeulen)
- feat: support flat config #156 (@kazupon @yannbf @kasperpeulen)
- Kasper Peulen (@kasperpeulen)
- kazuya kawaguchi (@kazupon)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Tweak
#147 (@yinm) - Update links in docs #130 (@hoonweiting @yannbf)
- Remove uninformative 'Further Reading' sections from rule docs #131 (@hoonweiting)
- Wei Ting (@hoonweiting)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yusuke Iinuma (@yinm)
- upgrades and stuff #150 (@ndelangen)
- fix release #151 (@ndelangen)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Disable rule of hooks in stories files #149 (@ndelangen)
- Norbert de Langen (@ndelangen)
- Joel (@hjoelh)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Create CODEOWNERS (@valentinpalkovic)
- Valentin Palkovic (@valentinpalkovic)
- feat: allow ignore option in no-uninstalled-addons #129 (@mandarini @yannbf)
- docs: add async #121 (@tyankatsu0105)
- Katerina Skroumpelou (@mandarini)
- tyankatsu (@tyankatsu0105)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Make context-in-play-function aware of context variable name #120 (@beaussan)
- improve rule template #119 (@yannbf)
- chore: fix ESLint and TypeScript issues #113 (@Dschungelabenteuer @yannbf)
- n028 (@Dschungelabenteuer)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- fix(no-uninstalled-addons) Support Windows paths #112 (@Dschungelabenteuer)
- n028 (@Dschungelabenteuer)
- Support typescript 4.9 #110 (@yannbf @kasperpeulen)
- Kasper Peulen (@kasperpeulen)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- fix: add declaration checks to avoid destructuring undefined #99 (@stefanprobst @yannbf)
- @stefanprobst
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
story-exports: provide better feedback when using filters (#107)
The story-exports
rule now detects whether you are using includeStories/excludeStories
and provides a more helpful message in case there are not exported stories. A possible scenario is you have a typo in your includeStories
which will result in Storybook not including it:
export default {
title: 'Button',
includeStories: ['myStory'], // <-- notice the lowercase m, which won't match with the story name
export const MyStory = {}
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
feat(no-uninstalled-addons): add option for a custom package.json location (#102)
feat(no-uninstalled-addons): add option for a custom package.json location (#102)
- feat(no-uninstalled-addons): add option for a custom package.json location #102 (@andrelas1 @yannbf)
- Andre Luis Araujo Santos (@andrelas1)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- feat(no-uninstalled-addons): add uninstalled plugin rule #96 (@andrelas1 @yannbf)
- Andre Luis Araujo Santos (@andrelas1)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- docs(CONTRIBUTING): add more test instructions [skip-ci] (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Increase type safety #89 (@valentinpalkovic)
- Valentin Palkovic (@valentinpalkovic)
- feat(default-exports): add autofix even if component name is not found #90 (@yannbf)
- fix(story-exports): stop highlighting the entire code on error #91 (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- fix: support ChainExpression in await-interactions rule #87 (@VinceMalone @yannbf)
- Vince Malone (@VinceMalone)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- fix: add optional chaining to object property key #80 (@aurmer @yannbf)
- chore: remove release label restriction #82 (@yannbf)
- fix: await-interaction fixer adds 'async' #81 (@aurmer @yannbf)
- Fix ast-utils import #76 (@tombakerjr)
- chore: misspell hierarchy #73 (@YunChaoTsai)
- Simon (@YunChaoTsai)
- Tom Baker (@tombakerjr)
- no-redundant-story-name: use same naming algorithm as storybook #69 (@yannbf)
- fix: gracefully handle dynamic values in non-story exports configuration #68 (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- story-exports: Support stories that are function declarations. #66 (@etlovett)
- chore: add linear to gh actions #64 (@yannbf)
- Update linear-export.yml (@yannbf)
- extend story-exports rule to support export lists, fixes #57 #58 ([email protected] @yannbf)
- Stephen Marsh (@stephenhmarsh)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- fix: support jsx extension #60 (@yannbf)
- Update README.md spelling error, one letter. #50 (@daylennguyen)
- Daylen Nguyen (@daylennguyen)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Ian VanSchooten (@IanVS)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- ignore storiesOf in default-export and prefer-pascal-case #39 (@yannbf)
- prefer-pascal-case: ignore stories that start with underscore #38 (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)
- no-title-property-in-meta: fix dangling comma and highlighting #32 (@yannbf)
- Update docs #35 (@kylegach @yannbf)
- prefer-pascal-case: ignore __namedExportsOrder #34 (@yannbf)
- hierarchy-separator: fix node highlight #33 (@yannbf)
- no-redundant-story-name: add CSF2 support #31 (@yannbf)
- prefer-pascal-case: add non-story exports check #30 (@yannbf)
- default-exports: target first non-import nodes when reporting #29 (@yannbf)
- Fix prefer-pascal-case to support typescript & variable references #26 (@shilman)
- await-interactions: Fix bad expect matchers #27 (@shilman)
- Fix/meta as variable #24 (@shilman @yannbf)
- Docs/update rule docs #25 (@yannbf @shilman)
- add complex use case to await-interactions #21 (@yannbf @shilman)
- Chore: add typescript examples to test #23 (@yannbf)
- Feature/migrate to jest #22 (@yannbf)
- add support for CSF3 notation in use-storybook-expect #16 (@yannbf)
- chore(ci): add test workflow #20 (@yannbf)
- Feature/ts migration #17 (@yannbf)
- Fix use-storybook-testing-library default export handling #18 (@shilman)
- fix no-redundant-story-name #14 (@yannbf)
- add exclude rule flag #13 (@yannbf)
- add await-interactions rule #12 (@yannbf)
- Fiix/title related rules #11 (@yannbf)
- fix and improve all tests #10 (@yannbf)
- Improve rule generation #9 (@yannbf)
- fix use-storybook-expect rule #8 (@yannbf)
- fix: add safe check for meta properties #6 (@yannbf)
- chore: add auto release setup #4 (@yannbf)
- Add addon interactions rules #3 (@yannbf)
- fix: resolve plugin category generation #2 (@yannbf)
- Add auto formatting with prettier + husky + lint-staged #1 (@yannbf)
- 0.2.5 (@yannbf)
- 0.2.4 (@yannbf)
- 0.2.3 (@yannbf)
- 0.2.2 (@yannbf)
- 0.2.1 (@yannbf)
- update docs regarding default-exports (@yannbf)
- 0.2.0 (@yannbf)
- chore: update version to 0.1.1 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.9 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.8 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.7 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.6 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.5 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.4 (@yannbf)
- update typescript file generation (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.3 (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.2 (@yannbf)
- remove logs and test skip (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.1 (@yannbf)
- chore: add rafael rozon as contributor (@yannbf)
- 0.0.1-alpha.0 (@yannbf)
- chore: add feature req and bug report templates (@yannbf)
- docs: fix inconsistencies in rule docs (@yannbf)
- Update no-title-property-in-meta.md (@ghengeveld)
- Update no-stories-of.md (@ghengeveld)
- Update default-exports.md (@ghengeveld)
- feat: add docs url to every rule (@yannbf)
- init project (@yannbf)
- Gert Hengeveld (@ghengeveld)
- Kyle Gach (@kylegach)
- Michael Shilman (@shilman)
- Yann Braga (@yannbf)