Eric Greene
- Monday - Friday, next 2 weeks: 9am to 5pm PDT
- Morning: 10:25am to 10:35am
- Lunch: Noon to 1pm
- Afternoon #1: 2:15pm to 2:25pm
- Afternoon #2: 3:40pm to 3:50pm
- 3 days: React + HTML/CSS/JS
- 3 days: Redux + Asynchronous Programming
- 2 days: Apollo + GraphQL
- 1.5 days: Project
- 0.5 day: Unit Testing + Other Topics
- Node.js (version 10 or later)
- Web Browser
- If you have another version of Node.js installed on your system, then I recommend installing NVM (for Mac & Linux) or NVM-Windows. Both tools support the installation of multiple versions of Node.js and provide tools for easily switching between those versions. Using these tools, installing Node.js version 10 without losing your older version should be possible.
- DevelopIntelligence
- WintellectNOW - Special Offer Code: GREENE-2016