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Tembo Terraform Provider

The Terraform provider for Tembo


Using the provider

terraform {
  required_providers {
    tembo = {
      source  = "tembo-io/tembo"
      version = ">= 1.8.0"

provider "tembo" {

resource "tembo_instance" "test_db" {
  instance_name = "tfprovider-de2345"
  org_id        = "org_test" # Replace this with your Tembo organization id
  cpu           = "1"
  stack_type    = "Standard"
  environment   = "dev"
  memory        = "4Gi"
  storage       = "10Gi"
  replicas      = 1
  provider_id   = "aws"
  region_id     = "us-east-1"
  autoscaling = {
    autostop = {
      enabled = false
    storage = {
      enabled = false
  # ip_allow_list = [""]
  # extra_domains_rw = [""]
  postgres_configs = [
      name  = "max_connections"
      value = "200"
      name  = "wal_buffers"
      value = "16MB"
  trunk_installs = [
      name    = "pgmq"
      version = "0.24.0"
  extensions = [{
    name        = "plperl"
    description = "PL/Perl procedural language"
    locations = [{
      database = "app"
      schema   = "public"
      version  = "1.0"
      enabled  = false
        database = "postgres"
        schema   = "public"
        version  = "1.0"
        enabled  = true
      "name" : "pltclu",
      "description" : "PL/TclU untrusted procedural language",
      "locations" : [
          "database" : "app",
          "schema" : "public",
          "version" : "1.0",
          "enabled" : false,
          "error" : false,
          "error_message" : null
          "database" : "postgres",
          "schema" : "public",
          "version" : "1.0",
          "enabled" : false,
          "error" : false,
          "error_message" : null

data "tembo_instance_secrets" "test" {
  org_id      = "org_test" # Replace this with your Tembo organization id
  instance_id = tembo_instance.test_db.instance_id

data "tembo_instance_secret" "test_sec" {
  org_id      = "org_test" # Replace this with your Tembo organization id
  instance_id = tembo_instance.test_db.instance_id
  secret_name = "readonly-role"

data "tembo_instance" "test" {
  org_id      = "org_test" # Replace this with your Tembo organization id
  instance_id = tembo_instance.test_db.instance_id

output "instance" {
  value = tembo_instance.test_db

output "data" {
  value = data.tembo_instance_secrets.test

output "data_secret" {
  value = data.tembo_instance_secret.test_sec

output "data_tembo_instance" {
  value = data.tembo_instance.test

Managing trunk_installs & extensions

Provider currently only checks whether there is an error or not with trunk_installs & extensions when creating or updating tembo_instance. If there is no error then it assumes the terraform apply is successful. It doesn’t compare the desired and actual state for them since some extensions get installed as part of the stack or base image.

Also, when importing tembo_instance it doesn’t import trunk_installs and extensions because of the same reason. After you import you can run terraform apply and it updates the state appropriately. It tries re-installing extensions but control plane ignores the request.

If in future there was a way to identify why extensions were installed (base image , stack , trunk_installs or extensions) then the provider can be updated to compare desired and actual state

Developing the Provider

If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (see Requirements above).

To compile the provider, run make install. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the $HOME/.terraform.d/ directory.

To generate or update documentation, run make check. This will format and regenerate/update the Terraform documentation

In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc. You will need to set TEMBO_ACCESS_TOKEN, TEMBO_HOST, TEMBO_DATA_HOST and ORG_ID environment variables for the tests to run locally

Note: Acceptance tests create real resources, and often cost money to run.

make testacc

Generating Go Client from API

OpenAPI Generator tool is used to generate GO Client.

Install OpenAPI Generator if not already by following steps here

Control plane API client

Go to internal/provider/temboclient directory in your terminal.

Delete the contents of the directory first and then run following command to re-generate the go client code for the API.

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
    -i \
    -g go \
    -o ./local  --additional-properties=packageName=temboclient --additional-properties=disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent=false

Replace everywhere it says to

Data plane API client

Go to internal/provider/tembodataclient directory in your terminal.

Delete the contents of the directory first and then run following command to re-generate the go client code for the API.

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
    -i \
    -g go \
    -o ./local  --additional-properties=packageName=tembodataclient --additional-properties=disallowAdditionalPropertiesIfNotPresent=false

Replace everywhere it says to

 /bin/find -type f -exec sed -i 's|||g' {} +

Releasing the Provider to Terraform Registry

The GitHub Action will trigger and create a release for your provider whenever a new valid version tag is pushed to the repository. Terraform provider versions must follow the Semantic Versioning standard (vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH).

First, make the changes you want to the provider & push/merge changes to the main branch.

Next, create a new tag & push the changes to github.

git tag v0.2.1 && git push origin v0.2.1