Simple python script to search for samples by hash on various malware repos and download a copy locally for analysis. Must give the script a path to a text file (for -f flag) with one hash per line of any combo of MD5, SHA1, or SHA256 hashes.
Currently supports the following repos:
- VirusSign
- VirusShare (requires that you have your own login credentials)
- VirusTotal (requires that you have a private API key)
WIP integrations:
- Viper Malware Archive
USAGE: [-h] -f FILE [-o OUT] [-v] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE
-o OUT, --out OUT Specifies folder path to download files to. If not
present, default is ./downloads/
-v, --verbose
-d, --debug
- Priority values: Each configured and enabled repo will need to have a priority value assigned to it. This value determines the order each repo is queried against.
- All other items of note are documented within the conf file