ESLint shareable config to enforce strict conventions and good code quality.
eslint-config-conventions is a ESLint configuration to enforce strict conventions and good code quality. It supports both JavaScript and TypeScript.
This configuration is mostly for catching bugs and code-quality so it is recommended to use it with Prettier for a consistent code style, it works with any .prettierrc.json
More information about formatting rules vs code-quality rules can be found on Prettier vs. Linters.
Node.js >= 20.11.0
npm install --save-dev \
eslint@^9.21.0 \
eslint-plugin-promise@^7.2.1 \
eslint-plugin-unicorn@^57.0.0 \
eslint-plugin-import-x@^4.6.1 \
globals@^16.0.0 \
typescript@^5.7.3 \
typescript-eslint@^8.24.1 \
Dependencies are:
- ESLint
- ESLint Plugins
- globals
- TypeScript
- typescript-eslint: tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript.
- This package:
import typescriptESLint from "typescript-eslint"
import configConventions from "eslint-config-conventions"
export default typescriptESLint.config(...configConventions, {
files: ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
languageOptions: {
parser: typescriptESLint.parser,
parserOptions: {
projectService: true,
tsconfigRootDir: import.meta.dirname,
Configuration with Prettier (recommended)
npm install --save-dev prettier
# Create an empty config file to let editors and other tools know you are using Prettier
# You can personalize it with your own rules
echo "{}" > .prettierrc.json
That's all! No need to update the eslint.config.js
We discourage usage of eslint-config-prettier and eslint-plugin-prettier, as eslint-config-conventions
doesn't include any stylistic rules, and including these packages has several drawbacks (listed in Integrating with Linters) and brings no benefits for this configuration.
"scripts": {
"lint:eslint": "eslint . --max-warnings 0",
"lint:prettier": "prettier . --check"
node --run lint:eslint
# or to apply automatic fixes to code
node --run lint:eslint -- --fix
# Validate code formatting in all supported languages by Prettier
node --run lint:prettier
Anyone can help to improve the project, submit a Feature Request, a bug report or even correct a simple spelling mistake.
The steps to contribute can be found in the file.