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Linkman is a small command line tool to manage bookmarks, written in Go.


  • Adding bookmarks.
  • Listing bookmarks.
  • Archiving bookmarks.

Linkman supports:

  • Automatic title fetching for supplied URLs.
  • Adding multiple bookmarks in one go.
  • Archiving multiple bookmarks in one go.
  • Maintaining multiple list of bookmarks.


Right now the only installation option is go get:

$ go get

should download, build and install linkman into bin directory in $GOPATH.

I'll provide other installation methods as soon as I have time to do so, contributions are welcome.

Adding bookmarks

To add a bookmark into default list use add command and supply one or more URLs:

$ linkman add

By default, linkman will go and fetch the webpages for supplied URLs and store their titles alongside the URLs and does not allow for duplicates.

Additionally, linkman calculates and stores "source" of the supplied URLs, that is second or third (depending on TLD) level domain name:

url source youtube stackoverflow domain

add supports multiple options, that allow to:

  • Skip fetching the title: --skip-title-fetch
  • Provide custom title: -t, --title
  • Allow duplicates: -f, --force
  • Provide custom list name: -l, --list


With newsboat one can use this command to store RSS articles into "reading" list:

$ linkman add -l "reading" --skip-title-fetch -t "$title" "$url"

Listing bookmarks

To print non-archived bookmarks from default list, use list command:

$ linkman list


ID:     2
Source: github
Title:  GitHub - asdine/storm: Simple and powerful toolkit for BoltDB

list command supports multiple options that allow to:

  • include archived bookmarks: -a, --archived
  • specify output format: -f, --format
  • show bookmarks from the specified list: -l, --list
  • show only archvied bookmarks: -A, --only-archived
  • filter out bookmarks that have no title: -T, --require-title
  • show only bookmarks from the specified source: -s, --source
  • show only bookmarks which title contains specified string: -t, --title

list allows for multiple filtering options. Whenever multiple filtering options are provided, they are combined using and operation:

$ linkman list -l reading -t github will only show bookmarks from "reading" list that have "github" in the title.

Output format

list command allows to specify output format using -f and --format options.

Output format accepts templates in Go templates form.

Each bookmark has several fields that can be specified in output format:

  • ID, bookmark identificator, assigned automatically on add
  • URL, the URL itself
  • Source, calculated source string (see add command for details)
  • Title, the title of the webpage behind the URLs
  • List, the list that bookmark belongs to

Output format supports special chars from C, such as \n, \t and so on.


One can can show list of bookmarks using dmenu using command like this one:

$ linkman list -l reading -f '{{.ID}} {{.Title}}\n' | \
  dmenu -p "Reading list:" -l 30 -i

Archiving bookmarks

to archive bookmarks use archive command and provide one or more IDs.

$ linkman archive $ID

$ID here is ID value from list output.

Real life usage example

I use newsboat as my RSS reader. One of the features of newsboat is support for bookmarks. With a simple keypress one can send article information to a script. You can read more here.

The script that I have is this one:


linkman add -l "reading" --skip-title-fetch -t "$title" "$url"
notify-send "Reading list:" "Added \"$title\""

It creates a new bookmark in linkman in the list "reading". It skips fetching the title because the title is supplied by newsboat so the bookmarking process is fast.

I use this script to create bookmarks for articles that I want to read later.

Now, whenever I feel like reading something, I use script like that:

local choice=$(linkman list -l reading -f '{{.ID}} {{.Title}}\n' |
    dmenu -p "Reading list:" -l 30 -i -fn "$FONT")

if ! [ "$choice" = "" ]; then
  local id=$(echo "$choice" | awk '{print $1}')
  local title="$(echo "$choice" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"

  linkman list -l reading -f '{{.ID}}\t{{.URL}}\n' |
    grep -e "^$id" |
    awk '{print $2}' |
    xargs -I '{}' firefox -P ReadingMode --name FirefoxReadingMode '{}' \
      && linkman archive "$id" \
      && notify-send "Reading list:" "Archived \"$title\""

Which uses linkman to retrieve list of bookmarks in format: {{.ID}} {{.Titlte}}\n and then passes it to dmenu so I could choose one of them.

It then opens the URL from chosen bookmark in special profile in Firefox which has chromeless window:

#TabsToolbar {
  visibility: collapse;

#titlebar {
  visibility: collapse;

#sidebar-header {
  visibility: collapse !important;

#nav-bar {
  visibility: collapse !important;

In order to retrieve the URL of the chosen bookmark it uses linkman again, now requesting list of bookmarks in format: {{ID.}}\t{{.URL}}\n and simply greping through it. It also archives the article by ID whenever I'm done reading it and close Firefox.

This is my setup for distraction-free reading.


Linkman is a bookmark manager for terminal







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