Docker applied in development, devops, testing, product management etc.
Jan 29, 2024 - Dockerfile
Automatically build and test your code as you push it upstream, preventing bugs from being deployed to production. A complementary practice to CI is that before submitting work, each programmer must do a complete build and run (and pass) all unit tests. Integration tests are usually run automatically on a CI server when it detects a new commit.
Docker applied in development, devops, testing, product management etc.
Reverse proxy for AWS ECS. Lets you address your docker containers by sub domain.
One Stop Solution For Checking Your Ansible Roles and Playbooks
Alpine Linux image for Flutter & Dart with helpful utils and web build support.
Project Mu Developer Operations
A repository with a set of Docker files created from official PHP images with some CI tools.
Scan your web apps for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other security issues with the command-line program.
Full-featured Tauri Docker OS images with tauri-driver (WebDriver), Tarpaulin and Node.js + Yarn.
A GitHub Action that lints Python code with Flake8 then automatically creates pull request reviews if there are any violations.
Docker image that contains SBCL, Quicklisp, and some QL libraries.
Notifications using Shoutrrr in GitHub Actions
🐳 Docker CI image for Leon projects.
Puppeteer Headful Docker Image & GitHub Action container
Pre-defined CI/CD configuration which allows you to automatically build, test, deploy your applications with GitLab CI/CD
🐳 Docker images to run a WordPress development environment
Simple Docker Jenkins Image for PHP 7.2
Dockerfile for building a Slackware image with essential build tools
This Repo creates the dockerfiles for using cuda in windows docker and provides the gitlab/github windows shared vm runner config.
Automatically build, test, and deploy your project in minutes
Test and deploy with confidence
A modern container-based CI/CD platform, easily assemble and run pipelines with high performance
Full-stack review environments and end-to-end tests embedded into every pull request
Manage and automate Github Deployments across repos and organizations
Test Management software for DevOps, including CI Results Dashboard, Manual Test Case Management, and Exploratory testing
Build, test, & deploy in a fast, consistent, and secure manner
Manage flaky unit tests. Click a checkbox to instantly disable any test on all branches. Works with your current test suite
Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud
One-click delivery automation for Web Developers
Eliminate visual bugs & regressions
GuardRails provides continuous security feedback for modern development teams
Automatically validates pull requests, branches and commit messages in your Github repositories
Find accessibility issues in your pull requests
Manage your i18n and localization needs from one place with Localazy ®