This analyzer consists of 2 parts.
- Checks network IOCs by Vulners Rst Threat Feed (including paid part)
- Useful for vulnerability incidents to get information about vulnerabilities from Vulners database.
Vulners API key required.
$ git clone
$ cd Vulners-analyzer/Vulners
$ pip3 install -r requirements
After install the requirements you need to add Vulners folder to /Cortex-Analyzers/analyzers folder.
$ cp -R Path_where_you_dowloaded_Vulners/Vulners-analyzer/Vulners Path_to_Cortex-Analyzers/Cortex-Analyzers/analyzers/
Log into cortex with an account with the proper privileges then navigate Organization>Analyzers
and click on Refresh analyzers button:
After succesfully adding adding to Cortex, you need to enable it with Vulners API key:
Per default TheHive has no "CVE" Observable type, so we have to add this in the Admin settings:
Log into TheHIVE with an account with the proper privilege level then navigate to >USER>Report templates
Add both short and long templates for Vulners analyzers:
In the observables section add network IOCs to test.
The first one for network IOCs:
The second one for vulnerabilities: