Cerebrum is a Python/RDBMS framework upon which user administration systems can be built.
- Python 2.7
- PostgreSQL Database
- M2Crypto (yum install m2crypto / pip install M2Crypto)
- psycopg2 (yum install python-psycopg2 / pip install psycopg2)
- passlib (pip install passlib)
- ldap (yum install python-ldap / pip install python-ldap)
- lxml (yum install python-lxml / pip install lxml)
- processing (? / pip install processing)
- mx (egenix-mx-base) (yum install python-egenix-mx-base / pip install egenix-mx-base)
- ssl (backport)
Some dependencies are optional, depending on what features you want to use:
- twisted - for the webservice daemon CIS
- soaplib - for webservice communication
- rpclib - for webservice communication
- pika - for publishing events to an external broker with EventPublisher, via AMQP 0-9-1
[email protected]
- all commit logs[email protected]
- the Cerebrum developers
Report bugs and misfeatures to [email protected]
Cerebrum is licensed using GNU Public License version 2 and later.
The latest source is available from github.uio.no (access restricted) and github.com (sporadically updated).
This is a brief summary of the currently existing documentation for Cerebrum:
- this documentINSTALL.md
- describes the installation proceduredesign/adminprotocol.html
- describes communication between the administration server and its clientsdesign/cerebrum-core.dia
- diagram showing the core databasetables in cerebrum. Can be displayed with Diadesign/entity_usage.txt
- describes how to modify data in the database
The documentation for the core api can be read using pydoc.