Simple python class to interface with
from urlscan import *
#Public scan, default useragent, no referer
u = UrlScan("apikey","")
#Private scan, default useragent, no referer
u = UrlScan("apikey","",public=False)
#Private scan, custom useragent, no referer
u = UrlScan("apikey","",public=False,useragent="python-urlscan")
#Private scan, custom useragent, custom referer
u = UrlScan("apikey","",public=False,useragent="python-urlscan",referer="")
#Starting a scan
u.submit() #Wait a few seconds for the scan to complete, you can check with u.checkStatus()
#Getting the DOM
dom = u.getDom()
#Getting the screenshot
screenshot = u.getScreenshot()