- What is it?
- The
class - The
class - The
class - The
class - File watching
- Installation
- Using the latest code
- License
A haxelib for consistent cross-platform filesystem operations and proper Windows-/Unix-style path handling.
All classes are located in the package hx.files
or below.
The library has been extensively unit tested (over 500 individual test cases) on the targets C++, C#, Eval, HashLink, Java, JavaScript (Node.js and PhantomJS), Lua, Neko, PHP 7 and Python 3.
- When targeting Node.js the hxnodejs haxelib is required.
- When targeting PhantomJS the phantomjs haxelib is required.
- Flash/Air is currently not supported.
haxe-files | Haxe |
1.0.0 to 1.2.1 | 3.4.2 or higher |
2.0.0 or higher | 4.0.5 or higher |
4.0.0 or higher | 4.2.0 or higher |
Instances of the hx.files.Path class represent the path to a file or directory on the local file system. It can be seen as an improved and extended version of the built-in haxe.io.Path class. In contrast to functions provided by haxe.io.Path, there are no situations where the result of a function is unspecified.
There exist two implementations:
for Windows path, i.e. backslash is used as directory separator and paths starting with a drive letter or a UNC path are considered absolutehaxe.io.Path.UnixPath
for Unix/Linux style paths, i.e. slash is used as directory separator and paths starting with a slash are considered absolute.
package com.example;
import hx.files.*;
class MyClass {
static function main() {
var p = Path.of("./mydir/myfile.txt"); // constructs a path compatible with the local operating/file-system
var p = Path.unix("/mydir/myfile.txt"); // constructs a Unix-style path
var p = Path.win("C:\\mydir\\myfile.txt"); // constructs a Windows-style path
p.filename; // returns "myfile.txt"
p.filenameExt; // returns "txt"
p.filenameStem; // returns "myfile"
p.isAbsolute; // returns true
p.exists(); // returns true or false depending on physical existance of the path
p.isFile(); // returns true if exits and points to a file
p.isDirectory(); // returns true if exits and points to a directory
p.parent; // returns Path object pointing to "C:\\mydir"
p.root; // returns Path object pointing to "C:\\"
// path joining
var p = Path.win("C:\\mydir");
p.join("project1\src"); // returns Path object pointing to "C:\\mydir\\project1\\src"
// getting absolute path
var p = Path.of("mydir");
p.getAbsolutePath(); // returns the absolute path as string
// normalizing a path
var p = Path.unix("aaa/bbb/ccc/../../ddd");
p.normalize(); // returns Path object pointing to "aaa/ddd"
// ellipszing
Path.unix("/home/user/foo/bar").ellipsize(15); // returns "/home/.../bar"
Path.win("C:\\Users\\Default\\Desktop\\").ellipsize(15); // returns "C:\...\Desktop"
Instances of the hx.files.File class represent regular files on the local file system.
package com.example;
import hx.files.*;
class MyClass {
static function main() {
var f = Path.of("mydir/myfile.txt").toFile(); // converting a Path instance to a File instance
var f = File.of("mydir/myfile.txt"); // creating a File instance from a String path
f.touch(); // create an empty file or update the modification timestamp
f.writeString("Hello "); // sets the file's content
f.size(); // returns the file size
f.copyTo("mydir/myfile2.txt"); // throws an exception if myfile2.txt exists already
f.copyTo("mydir/myfile2.txt", [OVERWRITE]); // replaces myfile2.txt if it exists already
f.delete(); // deletes the file
var f2 = f.moveTo("otherdir/MY_FILE.txt");
f.exists(); // returns false
f2.exists(); // returns true
Instances of the hx.files.Dir class represent directories on the local file system.
package com.example;
import hx.files.*;
class MyClass {
static function main() {
var d = Path.of("myproject").toDir(); // converting a Path instance to a Dir instance
var d = Dir.of("myproject"); // creating a Dir instance from a String path
p.setCWD(); // changes the current working directory
d.listDirs(); // returns an array of Dir instances for contained directories (non-recursive)
d.listFiles(); // returns an array of File instances for contained files (non-recursive)
d.findFiles("src/**/*.hx"); // returns an array with all Haxe files in the src dir
d.findFiles("assets/**/*.{js,css}"); // returns an array with all JS/CSS files in the assets dir
// recursively visit all contained files and directories
function(file) {
function(dir) {
d.copyTo("myproject2"); // recursively copy the directory
d.copyTo("myproject2", [OVERWRITE]); // delete myproject2 and recursively copy the directory
d.copyTo("myproject2", [MERGE]); // merge the files and folders into myproject2 but skip conflicting files
d.copyTo("myproject2", [MERGE, OVERWRITE]); // merge the files and folders into myproject2 and replace conflicting files
d.delete(true); // recursively delete the directory
The hx.files.GlobPatterns class contains static methods to convert glob patterns into regular expressions.
package com.example;
import hx.files.*;
class MyClass {
static function main() {
GlobPatterns.toRegEx("*.txt"); // returns == "^[^\\\\^\\/]*\\.txt$"
GlobPatterns.toRegEx("*file*"); // returns "^[^\\\\^\\/]*file[^\\\\^\\/]*$"
GlobPatterns.toRegEx("file?.txt"); // returns "^file[^\\\\^\\/]\\.txt$"
GlobPatterns.toRegEx("file[A-Z]"); // returns "^file[A-Z]$"
GlobPatterns.toRegEx("file[!A-Z]"); // returns "^file[^A-Z]$"
GlobPatterns.toEreg("src/**/*.hx").match("src/haxe/strings/Char.hx"); // returns true
GlobPatterns.toEreg("assets/**/*.{js,css}").match("assets/theme/dark/dark.css"); // returns true
GlobPatterns.toEreg("SystemOut[0-9].log").match("SystemOut1.log"); // returns true
GlobPatterns.toEreg("SystemOut[!0-9].log").match("SystemOut1.log"); // returns false
Implementations of the hx.files.watcher.FileWatcher interface allow you to monitor the file system for create/delete/change events.
The hx.files.watcher.PollingFileWatcher class scans the file system in intervals to recursively determine file changes. This is a rather inefficient way but works cross-target.
With Java7 or higher the hx.files.watcher.JavaFileWatcher based on WatcherService is available. It is more efficient but has some limitations as documented in the source code.
Other target-specific implementations can be provided in the future:
package com.example;
import hx.concurrent.executor.Executor;
import hx.files.*;
import hx.files.watcher.*;
class MyClass {
static function main() {
var ex = Executor.create(); // executor is used to schedule scanning tasks and
var fw = new PollingFileWatcher(ex, 100 /*polling interval in MS*/);
// register an event listener
fw.subscribe(function (event) {
switch(event) {
case DIR_CREATED(dir): trace('Dir created: $dir');
case DIR_DELETED(dir): trace('Dir deleted: $dir');
case DIR_MODIFIED(dir, _): trace('Dir modified: $dir');
case FILE_CREATED(file): trace('File created: $file');
case FILE_DELETED(file): trace('File deleted: $file');
case FILE_MODIFIED(file, _): trace('File modified: $file');
fw.watch("myconfig.cfg"); // watch a file
fw.watch("assets/foo"); // recursively watch a directory
// do some file modifications...
// cleanup
install the library via haxelib using the command:
haxelib install haxe-files
use in your Haxe project
- for OpenFL/Lime projects add
<haxelib name="haxe-files" />
to your project.xml - for free-style projects add
-lib haxe-files
toyour *.hxml
file or as command line option when running the Haxe compiler
- for OpenFL/Lime projects add
haxelib git haxe-files https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-files main D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files
check-out the main branch
git clone https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-files --branch main --single-branch D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files
register the development release with haxe
haxelib dev haxe-doctest D:\haxe-projects\haxe-files
All files are released under the Apache License 2.0.
Individual files contain the following tag instead of the full license text:
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This enables machine processing of license information based on the SPDX License Identifiers that are available here: https://spdx.org/licenses/.