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String helper class and functions.


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Text helpers

Packagist Version

This package adds a handful of useful string helper methods to Illuminate\Support\Str.

The package is developed and maintained by Vendeka, a company from the Netherlands.


Install using composer:

composer require vendeka-nl/text

With Laravel

If you are using Laravel this package automatically adds its macros to Illuminate\Support\Str.

Without Laravel

If you are not using Laravel, you need to boot the package manually. This is only required to be executed once, so put it somewhere at the start of your app.

use Vendeka\Text\Text;



This package adds a number of helpful methods to Illuminate\Support\Str. Check the Laravel documentation to see the available methods on Illuminate\Support\Str.

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

Str::of('taco')->enclose('[', ']')->upper(); //=> '[TACO]'
Str::unclose('/gift/', '/'); //=> 'gift'

Available methods

Most methods are chainable using the Illuminate\Support\Stringable class, either by using Illuminate\Support\Str::of() or Laravel's str() helper function. To convert to a string, either typecast to a string (echo will do this automatically) or call the toString() method. Methods marked with an asterisk (*) are not chainable


Since v3.0.2

Enclose a text with a prefix and a (different) suffix. If the suffix is null the prefix is also used as the suffix.

Str::enclose('directory', '/'); //=> '/directory/'
Str::enclose('directory/', '/'); //=> '/directory/'
Str::enclose('Paragraph', '<p>', '</p>'); //=> '<p>Paragraph</p>'
Str::enclose('<p>Paragraph</p>', '<p>', '</p>'); //=> '<p>Paragraph</p>'


Since v3.0.0

Create an exclamation from a string. This method automatically uppercases the first letter and adds a question mark if none if there is no period or exclamation mark at the end of it.

Str::exclamation('yelling'); //=> 'Yelling!'
Str::exclamation('Why are you yelling?'); //=> 'Why are you yelling?!'


Since v3.0.0

Glue together multiple strings, without duplicate glue between items.

Str::glue('/', '', '/dashboard'); //=> ''
Str::glue('/', '/var', '/www/', []); //=> '/var/www/'


Since v3.0.0

Create a natural language version of a snake_case of kebab-case string.

Str::natural('my-first-blog'); //=> 'My first blog'
Str::natural('i_love_kebab'); // => 'I love kebab'


Since v3.0.0

Convert a blank string to null.

Str::nullIfBlank(' '); //=> null


Since v3.0.0

Convert an empty string to null.

Str::nullIfEmpty(''); //=> null


Since v3.0.0

Create a question from a string. This method automatically uppercases the first letter and adds a question mark if none if there is no period, exclamation mark or question mark at the end of it.

Str::question('Questions'); //=> 'Questions?'


Since v3.0.0

Create a question from a string. This method automatically uppercases the first letter and adds a question mark if none if there is no period, exclamation mark or question mark at the end of it.

Str::sentence('this is a sentence'); //=> 'This is a sentence.'


Since v3.0.0

Split a text into paragraphs.

Please note that this method does not return a string, but an instance of Vendeka\Text\Paragraphs.

Str::toParagraphs("Paragraph 1\n\nParagraph 2"); // => instance of Vendeka\Text\Paragraphs


Since v1.0.0

Convert a snake_case, kebab-case, camelCase or StudlyCase to a string of words. For example 'aSnake' becomes 'A snake'.

Please note that this method does not return a string, but an instance of Vendeka\Text\Words.

use Vendeka\Text\Words;

(string) Str::toWords('a-dog'); //=> 'a dog'
Str::of('aSnake')->toWords()->of()->lower(); //=> 'a snake'
(string) (new Words(['From', 'an', 'array'])); //=> 'From an array'


Since v3.1.1

Unclose (unwrap) a text with a prefix and a (different) suffix. If the suffix is null the prefix is also used as the suffix.

Str::unclose('<p>Gift</p>', '<p>', '</p>'); //=> 'Gift'
Str::unclose('/present/', '/') //=> 'present'


Since v1.0.0

Remove a prefix if it is present.

Str::unprefix('#yolo', '#') //=> 'yolo'


Since v1.0.0

Remove a suffix if it is present.

Str::unsuffix('/var/www/', '/') //=> '/var/www'

Available classes


Since v3.0.0

The class Vendeka\Text\Paragraphs extends Illuminate\Support\Collection. The class can be initialized via its constructor or the Illuminate\Support\Str::toParagraphs() method.

$paragraphs = new Paragraphs("First paragraph\n\nSecond paragraph...");
$paragraphs = new Paragraphs(['First paragraph', 'Second paragraph...']);
$paragraphs = Str::toParagraphs("First paragraph\n\nSecond paragraph...");

It adds the following useful methods:


br(string $br) sets the <br> HTML tag used in toHtml(). The default is set to <br>.


eol(string $char) sets the EOL character(s), used in both toHtml() and toString().


of() returns a new instance of Illuminate\Support\Stringable to continue the method chain.


toString() returns the paragraphs as a string


toHtml() returns the paragraphs as a HTML string wrapped in <p> tags. Single new lines are replaced with <br>.


Since v2.0.0

The class Vendeka\Text\Words extends Illuminate\Support\Collection. The class can be initialized via its constructor or the Illuminate\Support\Str::toWords() method.

$words = new Words("First Second");
$words = new Words(['First', 'Second']);
$words = Str::toWords("First Second");

It adds the following useful methods:


of() returns a new instance of Illuminate\Support\Stringable to continue the method chain.


toString() returns the words as a string glued together with a single space (or custom string) between words (casting to a string is also supported).

Str::toWords('my-slug')->toString(); // => 'my slug'
Str::toWords('my-folder')->toString('/'); // => 'my/slug'
(string) Str::toWords("It's a kind of magic!"); // => "It's a kind of magic!"


Upgrading from v1

Version 2.0.x requires PHP 7.4 or higher. Version 3.0.x requires PHP 8.0 or higher. Version 3.3 requires PHP 8.2 or higher.

Next, update the package version of vendeka-nl/text to "^3" in your composer.json and run composer update vendeka-nl/text to update the package.

After updating the package, change your calls using the table below. Replace all other references to Vendeka\Text\Text with Illuminate\Support\Str.

v1 v2+
Vendeka\Text\Fluid Illuminate\Support\Str::of()
Vendeka\Text\Text::changeCase() Illuminate\Support\Str::lower()
Vendeka\Text\Text::firstToUpperCase() Illuminate\Support\Str::ucfirst()
Vendeka\Text\Text::startsWith() Illuminate\Support\Str::startsWith()
Vendeka\Text\Text::toLowerCase() Illuminate\Support\Str::lower()
Vendeka\Text\Text::toTitleCase() Illuminate\Support\Str::title()
Vendeka\Text\Text::toUpperCase() Illuminate\Support\Str::upper()

Upgrading from v3.0

Deprecated wrap method

Version 3.0.2 deprecated the wrap method because a method with the same name was added in illuminate/support v9.31 and overrides this packages' version.

v3.0 v3.1+
Illuminate\Support\Str::wrap() Illuminate\Support\Str::enclose()

Deprecated unwrap method

Version 3.1.1 deprecated the unwrap method because a method with the same name was added in illuminate/support v10.43 and overrides this packages' version.

v3.0 v3.1.1+
Illuminate\Support\Str::unwrap() Illuminate\Support\Str::unclose()

Upgrading from v3.2

Deprecated normalizeWhitespace method

Version 3.1.1 deprecated the normalizeWhitespace method, in favor of squish method that comes with illuminate/support.

v3.2 v3.3.1+
Illuminate\Support\Str::normalizeWhitespace() Illuminate\Support\Str::squish()


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