Releases: wxt9861/esxi_stats
What's Changed
- fix: deprecated warnings when loading platforms by @wxt9861 in #115 fixes #104 #108 #110 #111
- fix: Bump pyvnomi to by @wxt9861 in #114
- Update el.json by @ChriZathens in #107
- Update el.json by @ChriZathens in #102
- Update by @reedy in #106
- chore: Bump to python3.13 by @wxt9861 in #113
- chore: bump version to 0.7.2 by @wxt9861 in #116
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.7.2
What's Changed
- feat: Update to pyvmoni 8.x - this change also now properly logs logouts in the ESXi events by @wxt9861 in #97
- feat: Create el.json by @ChriZathens in #91
- fix: Add services dict to en.json by @wxt9861 in #93
- chore: Clean up by @wxt9861 in #92
- chore: Remove invalid fields by @wxt9861 in #94
New Contributors
- @ChriZathens made their first contribution in #91
Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1
What's Changed
Feat: Fetch active memory as VM attributes - #73.
Feat: Add ESXi host name to vm_data by @wayned1014 in #71
Feat: Show host shutdown capability as VMHost attribute.
Feat: Add option to enable/disable persistent notification - #64.
Feat: Service to change Power Policy - #63.
Feat: Show power policy as esxi host attribute - #63.
Feat: Host shutdown/reboot by @phr0z in #72 This release does not support powering down hosts via vCenter.
Feat: Add diagnostics.
Feat: Norwegian translation. Thank you @wrt54g.
Feat: Added VM's proper name by @ecoen66 in #87
Fix: Use VM uuid instead of name when executing services - addresses #41.
Fix: Update HACS URL by @wrt54g in #70
New Contributors
- @wrt54g made their first contribution in #70
- @phr0z made their first contribution in #72
- @wayned1014 made their first contribution in #71
- @flemmingss made their first contribution in #76
- @ecoen66 made their first contribution in #87
Full Changelog: 0.6.4...0.7.0
New - fetch active memory as VM attributes - #73.
New - show host shutdown capability as VMHost attribute.
New - add option to enable/disable persistent notification - #64.
New - service to change Power Policy - #63.
New - show power policy as esxi host attribute - #63.
New - host power service. This pre-release does not support powering down hosts via vCenter. Needs more testing. #33 Thank you @phr0z.
New - add diagnostics.
New - Norwegian translation. Thank you @wrt54g.
Fix - Use VM uuid instead of name when executing services - addresses #41.
New - fetch active memory as VM attributes - #73
New - show host shutdown capability as VMHost attribute
New - add option to enable/disable persistent notification - #64
New - service to change Power Policy - #63
New - show power policy as esxi host attribute - #63
New - add diagnostics
Fix - Use VM uuid instead of name when executing services - addresses #41
New (disabled) - Thank you @phr0z - host shutdown service. This pre-release will only output log on service call. Needs more testing. #33
Notify error on first boot #69
UUID #66