Snapcastr is a webinterface to control a snapcast server.
It is written in python with flask, wtforms and python-snapcast
install from source or from pypi
use your package manager, e.g. apt or pacman and install
- python3
- poetry
$ git clone
$ cd snapcastr
$ poetry install
$ cd snapcastr
$ poetry build
$ sudo pip3 install dist/snapcastr-0.1.0.tar.gz
$ pip install snapcastr
$ sudo pip install snapcastr
$ snapcastrd -h
usage: snapcastrd [-h] [--host host] [--port port] [--sc_host sc_host] [-c CONFIG] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host host webinterface host
--port port, -p port webinterface port
--sc_host sc_host, -s sc_host
snapcast host
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
config file
-d, --debug debug mode
- when installed locally
$ cd snapcastr
$ poetry run snapcastrd --sc_host=address_of_your_snapserver
- when installed system-wide
$ snapcastrd --sc_host=address_of_your_snapserver
The address_of_your_snapserver
might be or localhost, if you are running
snapcastr on the same machine as your snapserver. Snapcastr doesn't need to run with super
user privileges (so you don't need to run it with sudo
The last used configuration is saved in $HOME/.config/snapcastr.json
and can also be
When the application is running, open http://localhost:5000 in your browser.
- rename
- remove old
- rename
- remove
- add
- rename