File Integrity Monitoring script in bash.
This script monitor sentive files for modifications, and create a baseline. If this baseline is modified, this script will be notify by email to people (sysadmins, audit team, etc).
This script use sSMTP in GNU/Linux system (ssmtp package must be installed on the system). Please, configure sSMTP with your mail account. As an example, the configuration for GMAIL is shown below:
- AuthUser=[email protected]
- AuthPass=myP4ssw0rd
Please, see follow recomendations for configure the script:
- Configure el paths of file to will be monitoring in array "files_to_monitor" at line 16.
- Configure CRON for run periodically the script.
- In line 44, you will found the emails to notifications.
- If you can modify the monitoring files, you have to delete baseline file: /tmp/fim/baseline.md5