xym is a simple utility for extracting YANG modules from files.
xym may be installed via PyPi, or the latest version may be picked up from here and manually installed (along with its dependencies). It can often be sensible to install tools into a virtualenv, which is recommended. For example:
$ git clone https://github.com/xym-tool/xym.git
Cloning into 'xym'...
remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 32 (delta 8), reused 29 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (32/32), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd xym
$ virtualenv v
New python executable in v/bin/python2.7
Not overwriting existing python script v/bin/python (you must use v/bin/python2.7)
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
$ . v/bin/activate
$ python setup.py install
running install
Finished processing dependencies for xym==0.2
Help with it's options may be displayed thus:
$ xym --help
usage: xym [-h] [--srcdir SRCDIR] [--dstdir DSTDIR] [--strict STRICT]
[--strict-examples] [--write-dict] [--debug DEBUG]
[--force-revision FORCE_REVISION] [--version]
Extracts one or more yang models from an IETF RFC/draft text file
positional arguments:
source The URL or file name of the RFC/draft text from which to
get the model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--srcdir SRCDIR Optional: directory where to find the source text;
default is './'
--dstdir DSTDIR Optional: directory where to put the extracted yang
module(s); default is './'
--strict Optional flag that determines syntax enforcement; If set
to 'True', the <CODE BEGINS> / <CODE ENDS> tags are
required; default is 'False'
--strict-examples Only output valid examples when in strict mode
--force-revision Optional: if True it will check if file contains
correct revision in file name. If it doesnt it will
automatically add the correct revision to the filename
--debug DEBUG Optional: debug level - determines the amount of debug
info printed to console; default is 0 (no debug info
--version show program's version number and exit
The following behavior is implemented with respect to the "strict" and "strict-exmaples" options (none of the other options influence this behavior):
- No options -- all yang modules found in the source file will be extracted and yang files created.
-- only yang modules bracketed by <CODE BEGINS> and <CODE-ENDS> will be extracted--strict --strict-examples
-- only yang module outside of <CODE BEGINS> and <CODE-ENDS> and with a name starting with "example-" will be extracted.
Please note:
- Some errors will be generated to aid in debugging the content of modules. For example:
ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 21 - Yang module 'ex-error' with no <CODE BEGINS> and not starting with 'example-'
ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 47 - Yang module 'example-error' with <CODE BEGINS> and starting with 'example-'
If any yang modules that will be extracted already exist, the tool will exit without creating any yang modules
If there are syntactic errors such as a yang module statement nested in a yang module, the tool will exit without creating any yang modules
xym has a simple set of tests exercising a subset of functionality. Woth xym installed, these may be invoked while in the test subdirectory thus:
$ cd test
$ python -m unittest test
Expected output is:
$ python -m unittest xym
ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 21 - Yang module 'ex-error' with no <CODE BEGINS> and not starting with 'example-'
ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 47 - Yang module 'example-error' with <CODE BEGINS> and starting with 'example-'
.ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 21 - Yang module 'ex-error' with no <CODE BEGINS> and not starting with 'example-'
ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 47 - Yang module 'example-error' with <CODE BEGINS> and starting with 'example-'
.ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 21 - Yang module 'ex-error' with no <CODE BEGINS> and not starting with 'example-'
ERROR: 'test-file.txt', Line 47 - Yang module 'example-error' with <CODE BEGINS> and starting with 'example-'
Ran 3 tests in 0.004s