kubectl-sql is a kubectl plugin that use SQL like language to query the Kubernetes cluster manager
Using krew plugin manager to install:
# Available for linux-amd64
kubectl krew install sql
kubectl sql --help
Using Fedora Copr:
# Available for F41 and F42 (linux-amd64)
dnf copr enable yaacov/kubesql
dnf install kubectl-sql
From source:
# Clone code
git clone [email protected]:yaacov/kubectl-sql.git
cd kubectl-sql
# Build kubectl-sql
# Install into local machine PATH
sudo install ./kubectl-sql /usr/local/bin/
kubectl-sql let you select Kubernetes resources based on the value of one or more resource fields, using
human readable easy to use SQL like query language. It is also posible to find connected resources useing the
# Get pods in namespace "openshift-multus" that hase name containing "cni"
# Select the fields name, status.phase as phase, status.podIP as ip
kubectl-sql "select name, status.phase as phase, status.podIP as ip \
from openshift-multus/pods \
where name ~= 'cni' and (ip ~= '5$' or phase = 'Running')"
name phase ip
multus-additional-cni-plugins-7kcsd Running
multus-additional-cni-plugins-kc8sz Running
# Get all persistant volume clames that are less then 20Gi, and output as json.
kubectl-sql -o json "select * from pvc where spec.resources.requests.storage < 20Gi"
# Display non running pods by nodes for all namespaces.
kubectl-sql "select * from nodes join pods on \
nodes.status.addresses[1].address = pods.status.hostIP and not pods.phase ~= 'Running'" -A
# Filter replica sets with less ready-replicas then replicas"
kubectl-sql --all-namespaces "select * from rs where status.readyReplicas < status.replicas"
--output flag | Print format |
table | Table |
name | Names only |
yaml | YAML |
json | JSON |
is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. It is possible to
pipe the kubectl command output into the jq
command to create complicated searches ( Illustrated jq toturial )
Field selectors let you select Kubernetes resources based on the value of one or more resource fields. Here are some examples of field selector queries.