Please make sure your system has vim editor
for Mac OS, please install homebrew package manager (Homebrew website)
I suggest to use homebrew to install vim instead of using system built in vim (for clipboard issue)
(brew install vim)
git clone ~/vimrc; sh ~/vimrc/install_(your OS).sh
<F9> (normal mode)
open/close tagbar window
<F1> (normal mode)
open/close NerdTree windows
<Tab> (normal mode)
switch between windows
<F2> (normal mode)
clean all whitespace of any end of line
<Ctrl+p> (normal mode)
open/close ctrlp window for file open interface
<Ctrl+n> (normal mode)
move to next tab in buffer
<Ctrl+m> (normal mode)
move to previous tab in buffer
<Shift+Up> (normal/insert mode)
scroll page up
<Shift+Down> (normal/insert mode)
scroll page down
<Ctrl+f> (normal/insert mode)
search specific string
<,+cc> (normal mode)
add comment on this line (or use Ctrl + V to select multiple line)
<,+cu> (in normal mode)
remove comment on this line (or use Ctrl + V to select multiple line)
<,+number> (in normal mode)
remove buffer tab by buffer number
:W => map to :w
:Q => map to :q
:WQ, :Wq, :wQ => all map to :wq
:w!! => map to privilege escalating writing (sudo)