Releases: OpenCTI-Platform/connectors
Releases · OpenCTI-Platform/connectors
Version 6.4.7
- #3248 [flashpoint] Enhance default behaviour when importing communities
- #3243 [Orange CyberDefense] Improve OCD Connector
- #3226 [Zscaler] Stream Connector Circleci
- #2665 [] improvements
- #1419 [Zscaler] Create the connector for ZIA
Bug Fixes:
- #3238 [taxii2] Bug fixes + Change Report Status
- #3237 [eset] Add x_opencti_main_observable_type when missing from atomic indicators
- #3225 [RST Noise Control] unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
Pull Requests:
- Update opencti/connector-google-secops-siem Docker tag to v6.4.6 by @renovate in #3233
- Update opencti/connector-stream-exporter Docker tag to v6.4.6 by @renovate in #3234
- [eset] FIX: Add x_opencti_main_observable_type when missing from atomic indicators by @ckane in #3013
- [taxii2] Bug fixes + Change Report Status by @annoyingapt in #3036
- Update opencti/connector-stream-importer Docker tag to v6.4.6 by @renovate in #3239
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.95 by @renovate in #3240
- Update dependency minio to v7.2.14 by @renovate in #3241
- Update opencti/connector-recorded-future Docker tag to v6.4.6 by @renovate in #3242
- [Orange CyberDefense] MRTI-6741 - OCD Connector by @ClaireOrange in #3236
- [Zscaler] Stream Connector by @MohamedMerimi in #3007
- [Zscaler] Stream Connector add Circleci by @Megafredo in #3227
- Improve connector by @seanthegeek in #2746
New Contributors:
- @ClaireOrange made their first contribution in #3236
- @MohamedMerimi made their first contribution in #3007
- @seanthegeek made their first contribution in #2746
Full Changelog: 6.4.6...6.4.7
Version 6.4.6
- #3228 [stream replication] first version of connectors
- #3215 [greynoisefeed] remove dedup function, add batching for bundle create and submit
- #2965 [Google SecOps SIEM]: Develop an integration
- #2841 [Ransomwarelive] ingests victims with asterisks in the title
Bug Fixes:
- #3206 [Intel471 V1] Issue when upgrading Titan library
- #3195 [RecordedFuture] The connector stops ingesting data if an error (401, 403, ...) occurs while ingesting RF Alerts playbooks
- #3189 [ALL] Renovate Pydantic version to >=2.8.2
- #3184 Connector "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures" stucked
- #3174 [VirusTotal] invalid literal for int() with base 10: '10 creation'
- #3172 VirusTotal Livehunt Notifications plyara - no attribute logger
- #3169 [Recorded Future] Incident not created on first launch, but created on second launch
- #3168 [Recorded Future] Formatting error prevents incident creation
- #3165 [Sentinel-Incidents]: Documentation screenshots not available
- #3164 [Google-secops-siem] Error path in CircleCI the working directory
- #3153 [HARFANGLAB-INCIDENTS] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
- #3151 [Flashpoint] Non-predictive STIX ID for Channels
- #3129 [Mandiant]: CTI data quality impacted by Mandiant connector
- #3104 [Shadowserver] ERROR type object 'Vulnerability' has no attribute 'generate_id'
Pull Requests:
- [Google SecOps SIEM] Create Google SecOps SIEM connector by @helene-nguyen in #3100
- [Google-secops-siem] Fix path in CircleCI the working directory by @Megafredo in #3166
- Update dependency domaintools-api to v2.2.0 by @renovate in #3157
- Update dependency google-api-python-client to v2.156.0 by @renovate in #3158
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.84 by @renovate in #3161
- Update dependency pycti to v6.4.5 by @renovate in #3162
- Update opencti/connector-harfanglab-intel Docker tag to v6.4.5 by @renovate in #3160
- Update opencti/connector-intel471_v2 Docker tag to v6.4.5 by @renovate in #3163
- Update dependency certifi to v2024.12.14 by @renovate in #3144
- Update dependency pycti to v6.4.5 by @renovate in #3171
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.85 by @renovate in #3170
- Migrate renovate config by @renovate in #3173
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.86 by @renovate in #3178
- Update dependency Jinja2 to v3.1.5 by @renovate in #3179
- [Mandiant]: Invalid "originates-from" relationships by @romain-filigran in #3182
- [Sentinel Incidents] Fix documentation images by @Powlinett in #3181
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.87 by @renovate in #3185
- [Recorded Future] Handle properly incident ID generation and created and updated dates + correct markdown format by @helene-nguyen in #3186
- VirusTotal Livehunt Notifications plyara - no attribute logger by @romain-filigran in #3183
- [HarfangLab Intel] Update HarfangLab config.yml.sample by @romain-filigran in #3024
- [HARFANGLAB INCIDENTS] - Unsafe Alert Process attributes access when creating File by @flavienSindou in #3187
- [ALL] - Renovate pydantic version >= 2.8.2 by @flavienSindou in #3190
- Update dependency prometheus-client to ~=0.21.1 by @renovate in #3193
- Update dependency pydantic to < 3.0.0 by @renovate in #3191
- Update dependency weasyprint to v63 by @renovate in #3199
- Update dependency google-auth to v2.37.0 by @renovate in #3196
- Update dependency reversinglabs-sdk-py3 to v2.8.0 by @renovate in #3192
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.90 by @renovate in #3202
- [Intel471] Downgrade Titan-Client lib version to by @helene-nguyen in #3207
- Update dependency google-api-python-client to v2.157.0 by @renovate in #3208
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.92 by @renovate in #3214
- [greynoisefeed] remove dedup function, add batching for bundle create and submit by @bradchiappetta in #2812
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.93 by @renovate in #3217
- [Recorded Future] Handle properly playbook alerts errors to not block the connector by @helene-nguyen in #3213
- [stream replication] first version of connectors by @axelfahy in #2730
- [Shadowserver] Fix shadowserver and add additional pytests #3104 by @cmandich in #3141
- Implementation of the TLP:AMBER+STRICT marking on multiple connectors: by @Lhorus6 in #3143
Full Changelog: 6.4.5...6.4.6
Version 6.4.5
- #3137 [Intel471_v2] Creating the intel471_v2 connector
- #2847 [Tenable Security Center] Create the connector
- #2591 [Zvelo] Create a connector to download Zvelo intel
Bug Fixes:
- #3145 [MISP] Timestamp issue
- #3135 [Harfanglab-incident] TypeError
- #3127 [CircleCI] Add a build_4
- #3123 [Harfang lab incidents]: Add connector image to docker hub
- #3122 [Harfang Lab intel]: Add connector image to docker hub
- #3061 [crowstrike] Cannot process the message
- #2997 [Tenable] Error while importing data
- #2828 [Zerofox] Title indicator and country structure to be corrected
- #2825 The Hive importing wrong data
Pull Requests:
- Limit renovate PRs to nights and weekend by @aHenryJard in #3120
- [Tenable Vuln Management] - Integrate source api changes by @flavienSindou in #3081
- [Harfanglab-Intel] Add publish docker image by @Megafredo in #3124
- [The Hive] - Change confusing logger level by @flavienSindou in #3069
- [Harfanglab-Incidents] Add publish docker image by @Megafredo in #3126
- [CircleCI] Add a build_4 and build_rolling_4 (Bug #3127) by @Megafredo in #3128
- [Zerofox] Add format changes to malware endpoint and country entities by @DNRRomero in #2988
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.80 by @renovate in #3133
- Update dependency google-api-python-client to v2.155.0 by @renovate in #3113
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.81 by @renovate in #3142
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.82 by @renovate in #3148
- Adding Intel 471 Connector v2 by @mmolenda in #3146
- [Intel471_v2] Adding intel471v_v2 in CircleCI by @Megafredo in #3138
- [Tenable Security Center]: Connector Initial Creation by @flavienSindou in #3044
- [Zvelo] Create a connector to download Zvelo intel by @romain-filigran in #3121
- [Harfanglab incidents] feat: configuration loader raises explicit error if missing required variables by @flavienSindou in #3149
Full Changelog: 6.4.4...6.4.5
Version 6.4.4
Bug Fixes:
- #3103 [Orange Cyber Defense] Fix bug in WorldWatch report entities crawling
- #3090 [MISP] Update default MISP docker-compose.yml to avoid confusion
- #3087 [Import Document] Update importDocument docker-compose.yml
- #2938 [RecordedFuture]: Exceptions observed during import of Analyst Notes
Pull Requests:
- Update importDocument docker-compose.yml by @romain-filigran in #3016
- Update default MISP docker-compose.yml to avoid confusion by @romain-filigran in #3063
- Update dependency reversinglabs-sdk-py3 to v2.7.2 by @renovate in #3088
- Update dependency wheel to v0.45.1 by @renovate in #3089
- [Recorded Future] handle exception raised when no attachment and no object_refs to report by @helene-nguyen in #3079
- [TEMPLATE] create init script by @Renizmy in #3030
- [CrowdStrike-Endpoint-Security] Fixing severity map bug by @al0rd25l in #3093
- Update dependency plyara to ~=2.2.1 by @renovate in #3094
- Update dependency google-api-core to v2.24.0 by @renovate in #3097
- Update dependency playwright to v1.49.1 by @renovate in #3102
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.78 by @renovate in #3101
- [Connector] Fix bug in WorldWatch report entities crawling by @cert-orangecyberdefense in #3051
New Contributors:
Full Changelog: 6.4.3...6.4.4
Version 6.4.3
- #3082 [Feedly] use source name as author
- #3078 [Loader Insight Agency File Feed]: Create a connector
- #3064 [Tagger] Add a capacity to the Tagger connector
- #2663 Add new filter in CrowdStrike TI connector
Bug Fixes:
- #3071 [ALL] : Unit tests appear as OK even though non-zero exit status code
- #2972 [Mandiant] No Author on Vulnerability reports
- #2949 [recorded-future] Work is not processed/closed if nothing to ingest
- #2892 [Mandiant] Connector does not show accurate progess, and ingests reports very slowly
- #2756 [CrowdStrike] Use modified date instead of created date when getting reports
- #2735 Fix description when exporting pdf in a IR case
- #2540 [crtsh] Several blocking problems
- #2469 [importDocument] - Unable to extract information from PDF with a watermarking image
Pull Requests:
- [Crowdstrike] Replace latest modified report date filter instead of created date by @helene-nguyen in #3048
- [ImportDocument] Fix create workbench for observables (opencti/9136) by @SouadHadjiat in #3058
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.72 by @renovate in #3057
- [ExportReportPdf] list params fixed (#9082) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #3040
- Create a connector for the Loader Insight Agency File Feed by @LIA-Intel in #2793
- [CrowdStrike] Add new filter: CROWDSTRIKE_REPORT_TARGET_INDUSTRIES by @Lhorus6 in #3022
- [ExportReportPdf] Convert entity's description from markdown to HTML by @Powlinett in #2994
- [Mandiant] Fix status complete on the progress bar for reports by @Megafredo in #3046
- [ImportDocument] Fix parsing of watermarked PDF files by @Powlinett in #3029
- Update dependency vt-py to v0.19.0 by @renovate in #3059
- Update dependency prometheus-client to v0.21.1 by @renovate in #3067
- [crtsh] fix import issues by @Powlinett in #3053
- Update dependency pycti to v6.4.2 by @renovate in #3068
- [All] - unit tests appear as ok even though non zero exit status code by @flavienSindou in #3073
- [LIAFileFeed] add connector to circleci by @Powlinett in #3070
- [Recorded Future] Handle work to be processed properly for each module by @helene-nguyen in #3076
- [Feedly connector] use source name as author by @Mathieu4141 in #2971
- [Tagger] Add a capacity to the Tagger connector by @Lhorus6 in #3065
- Update dependency six to v1.17.0 by @renovate in #3077
- Update dependency cmarkgfm to v2024.11.20 by @renovate in #3066
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.76 by @renovate in #3084
New Contributors:
- @LIA-Intel made their first contribution in #2793
Full Changelog: 6.4.2...6.4.3
Version 6.3.14
No changelog for this release.
Full Changelog: 6.3.13...6.3.14
Version 6.4.2
Bug Fixes:
- #3042 [Sentinel-Intel] Missing init retries_builder for handle 429
- #3032 [sentinel-intel] JWT token expire after two hours and is not renewed
- #3025 [Recorded Future] Issue on getting data from RF Alerts
- #3001 [Mandiant] Crash if the state is empty
- #2989 [RecordedFuture] Unexpected error
- #2980 [Crowdstrike-Security-Endpoint] Error while processing indicator
- #2868 [MISP] Mapping error on relationships Source = Target = ?
Pull Requests:
- [Recorded Future] Fix error when getting priority alerts for when getting Alerts by @helene-nguyen in #3009
- [REVERSINGLABS] Update Spectra Analyze connector v1.1.0 by @MislavReversingLabs in #3008
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.67 by @renovate in #3006
- Update dependency pycti to v6.4.1 by @renovate in #3011
- [Recorded Future] Fix unexpected error RF empty incidents by @helene-nguyen in #3017
- [Recorded Future] Fix error when getting priority alerts for when getting Alerts by @helene-nguyen in #3019
- [Crowdstrike] Improve condition in Crowdstrike stream by @helene-nguyen in #3014
- [MISP-FEED] Add documentation + fix conf parsing by @Renizmy in #3012
- [Recorded Future] Fix import incidents for RF alerts by @helene-nguyen in #3026
- Update dependency playwright to v1.49.0 by @renovate in #3021
- [Misp] Fix error of relation having same ref for source and target by @Megafredo in #2993
- [Sentinel-Intel] Fix Error 401 Unauthorized by @Megafredo in #3041
- [Mandiant] fix: infinitely crashes if the state is empty by @flavienSindou in #3018
- [Sentinel-Intel] Fix missing init retries_builder by @Megafredo in #3043
- Update dependency APScheduler to ~=3.11.0 by @renovate in #3037
New Contributors:
- @MislavReversingLabs made their first contribution in #3008
Full Changelog: 6.4.1...6.4.2
Version 6.4.1
- #2895 OpenCTI internal-enrichment/ipinfo connector, ASN field missing from enrichments
- #2747 Need filtering capability to limit number of records
Pull Requests:
- Update dependency pycti to v6.4.0 by @renovate in #2990
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.65 by @renovate in #2991
- [Mitre] Add default for interval, as the documentation states. by @fslds in #2995
- [Taxii2] Update of code by @annoyingapt in #2894
- [Connectors] Re add missing generate_id arguments by @helene-nguyen in #2920
- [Shodan] Created config to use ISP name for ASN name. by @annoyingapt in #2936
- [IpInfo] Added extraction of asn data from org field by @annoyingapt in #2911
- [Connectors] Move Qradar in another build by @helene-nguyen in #2999
- Update dependency google-api-python-client to v2.154.0 by @renovate in #3000
New Contributors:
Full Changelog: 6.4.0...6.4.1
Version 6.4.0
Bug Fixes:
- #2983 [Mandiant] Unexpected properties for stix2 Note
- #2980 [Crowdstrike-Security-Endpoint] Error while processing indicator
- #2978 [CI] CircleCI failing in tests due to Numpy unsupported version for Python 3.12
- #2977 [Connectors] When pulling Splunk docker image after release, context build error
Pull Requests:
- Update opencti/connector-riskiq-passive-total Docker tag to v6.3.13 by @renovate in #2975
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.63 by @renovate in #2976
- fix: revert to 3.11 for CI tests by @flavienSindou in #2981
- [Harfanglab Intel] Create a stream connector to replace current Harfanglab connector by @Powlinett in #2941
- [urlscan-enrichment] Return empty array instead of None when no ASN found by @DucNg in #2966
- [Mandiant] Update stix2 Note by @Megafredo in #2984
- [connector] Improve condition in Crowdstrike stream by @helene-nguyen in #2985
- [connector] Fix CI for Splunk connector to not pull Qradar entrypoint by @helene-nguyen in #2986
- Update MISP lists in hygiene connector by @baptiste-fourmont in #2839
New Contributors:
- @DucNg made their first contribution in #2966
- @baptiste-fourmont made their first contribution in #2839
Full Changelog: 6.3.13...6.4.0
Version 6.3.13
- #2692 [RiskIQ - PassiveTotal]: Create the enrichment connector
Bug Fixes:
- #2798 [Tanium] Repeating addition of intel
Pull Requests:
- [Tanium] Fix KeyError on non-existing indicator's labels by @Powlinett in #2967
- [RiskIQ - PassiveTotal] Create the enrichment connector by @Megafredo in #2968
- Update dependency pycti to v6.3.12 by @renovate in #2974
Full Changelog: 6.3.12...6.3.13