Present: Cornelius, Loic, Stephanie, Florian, Adrian, Max; Excused: Peter
- Onboarding of Netzgrafik-Editor (see checklist at #28)
- Any other onboarding topics?
- New project proposal: liblrs (#88)
- Criteria for stage 2 of the incubation process (#78) (follow-up from last week, #83)
- REUSE (see also #80 (comment))
- SBOMs for OpenRail projects (
- Mailing list (#38)
- Switch on DCO bot for TC repo
- Onboarding of Netzgrafik-Editor (see checklist at #28)
- Project is added to the list and Adrian is added as representative for the TC
- Adrian and Max will work out moving the repositories
- Open question: Where to put the demo videos? Needs paid account to host them on GitHub.
- Moving web domains to the OpenRail Association is required according to the principles of the OpenRail Association (see also the trademark requirement). The TC agrees that this should be part of the onboarding.
- New project proposal: liblrs (#88)
- The TC decides to accept the project
- On the website it's not clear what the OpenRail Association projects are. We definitely should have a news entry announcing the projects and also find a way to make the projects more visible on the web site.
- Mailing list works. Cornelius will add Adrian to the technical-committee list.
- SBOMs for OpenRail projects (
- Creates an SBOM with reasonably good information about copyright and licenses. What to do with the SBOM is up for discussion.
- We use it during onboarding
- What would be useful to have in the compliance assistant to manage dependencies etc.
Postponed to next week:
- Criteria for stage 2 of the incubation process (#78) (follow-up from last week, #83)
- REUSE (see also #80 (comment))
- Switch on DCO bot for TC repo