Policy abstraction makes it possible to solve the flatland problem in a very accurate way. The user does not have to care about flatland integration.
The goal of this library is to allow the user to easily extend the abstract policy to solve the flatland problem. The user just needs to create an environment and a policy (solver) to solve the flatland problem. Rendering can be added as an option. The policy can be a learned one or a manual written heuristic or even any other solver/idea. The observation can as well exchanged through the abstraction. If reinforcement learning is not used, the observation can be replaced by the dummy observation.
The BaseSolver requires an Environment and a Policy. The BaseRenderer can be optionally enabled.
graph TD;
Environment ---> |required| BaseSolver;
Policy ---> |required| BaseSolver;
BaseRenderer ---> |optional| BaseSolver;
The class diagram shows the most important classes and their dependencies, generalization and specialization of Environment, BaseSolver and Policy.
BaseSolver o-- Policy
BaseSolver o-- BaseRenderer
BaseSolver o-- Environment
Environment <|-- cartpole : package(Gymnasium)
Environment <|-- RailEnv : package(Flatland)
RailEnv <|-- FlatlandDynamics : package(Flatland Railway Extension)
BaseSolver <|-- MultiAgentBaseSolver
BaseSolver <|-- CartpoleSolver
MultiAgentBaseSolver <|-- MultiAgentGymSolver
MultiAgentBaseSolver <|-- FlatlandSolver
FlatlandSolver <|-- FlatlandDynamicsSolver
Policy <|-- HeuristicPolicy
HeuristicPolicy <|-- DeadLockAvoidancePolicy : Flatland
Policy <|-- LearningPolicy
LearningPolicy <|-- PPOPolicy : Environment
LearningPolicy <|-- DDDQNPolicy : Environment
class Environment {
get_name()* str
reset()* state, info
step(actions)* state_next, reward, terminal, info
get_observation_space() int
get_action_space() int
get_agent_handles() List[int]
get_num_agents() int
class Policy {
get_name()* str
start_episode(train: bool)
start_step(train: bool)
act(handle, state, eps=0.)*
step(handle, state, action, reward, next_state, done)*
end_step(train: bool)
end_episode(train: bool)
reset(env: RailEnv)
clone()* Policy
class BaseRenderer {
render(episode, step, terminal)
class BaseSolver {
__init__(env: Environment, policy: Policy, renderer: Union[BaseRenderer, None] = None)
get_name()* str
set_max_steps(steps: int)
render(episode: int, step: int, terminal: bool)
reset() state, info
run_step(env, policy, state, eps, info, training_mode) state_next, tot_reward, all_terminal, info
update_state(state_next) state
before_step_starts() bool
after_step_ends() bool
run_internal_episode( episode, env, policy, state, eps, info, training_mode) tot_reward[int]
run_episode(episode, env, policy, eps, training_mode) tot_reward[int]
do_training(max_episodes=2000, ...)
perform_evaluation(max_episodes=2000, ...)
save_policy(filename: str)
load_policy(filename: str)
The following flowchart explains the main flow of Solver.do_training() and the respective calls to the abstract policy and environment methods. The implementation of the Policy significantly controls the environmental behavior. The environment must have implemented the reset and step method. The reset method returns the initial state (observation) and an info dict. The step method needs a dict with all actions (for each agent one action) and returns the next state ( observation), reward, done signals (terminate) and an info.
flowchart TD
Policy ~~~ Root
Root ---> |training: on| C{Episode loop:\n more episodes?}
C ----------------> |no| End(( done ))
C --> |yes : run_episode| D0(env.reset)
D0 --> D2(policy.start_episode)
D2 --> |run_internal_episode| E{Step loop:\n more steps?}
F1 --> |collect actions| G{Agent loop:\n more agents?}
E ---> |yes : run_step| F1(policy.start_step)
G ---> |yes : get action for agent| G1(policy.act)
G1 --> G
G ---> |no : all actions collected|F2(env.step)
F2 --> F21{Agent loop:\n more agents?}
F21 --> |yes| F3(policy.step)
F3 --> F21
F21 ----> |no| F4(policy.end_step)
F6 --> E
F4 --> F6(render)
E ---> |no| D4(policy.end_episode)
D4 --> C
style D2 fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style F1 fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style D4 fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style G1 fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style F3 fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style F4 fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style Policy fill:#ffe,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
style D0 fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,color:#300
style F2 fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,color:#300
style Env fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,color:#300
First, an environment must be created and the action space and observation space must be determined. The action space and the state space are needed for policy creation.
observation_builder = FlattenTreeObsForRailEnv(
env, obs_space, act_space = FlatlandDynamicsEnvironment(obs_builder_object=observation_builder,
solver = FlatlandDynamicsSolver(env, PPOPolicy(obs_space, act_space))
Setup a conda environment and install flatland
conda create python=3.8 --name flatland-solver-policy
conda activate flatland-solver-policy
Clone the flatland_solver_policy repo
git clone https://github.com/aiAdrian/flatland_solver_policy.git
Install all dependancies
cd flatland_solver_policy
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
# Linux
# Windows
Run an example
python example/flatland_rail_env/example_flatland.py
Environments which are tested:
All policy have to implement the policy interface.
- Advantage Actor-Critic (A2CPolicy)
- Dueling Double DQN (DDDQNPolicy)
- Proximal Policy Optimization (PPOPolicy)
- Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (T3DPolicy)
Policy | RailEnv | Flatland Dynamics | cartpole | checkers | combat | lumberjacks | pong duel | predator prey 5x5 | predator prey 7x7 | switch 2 | switch 4 | traffic junction 4 | traffic junction 10 |
CartpoleAnalyticalPolicy | yes | ||||||||||||
RandomPolicy | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
A2CPolicy | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
DDDQNPolicy | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
PPOPolicy | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
T3DPolicy | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
DeadLockAvoidancePolicy | yes | yes |
Training / quality logging is done with tensorboard. Navigate to the example folder
and call tensorboard --logdir runs