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1.0.0 Release candidate 1

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released this 05 Jul 15:32
· 4838 commits to develop since this release


  • Changing the value of an existing field to None deletes the field.
  • Message.update now behaves like dict.update. The old behavior is implemented in Message.change
  • Deprecated http_ssl_proxy has been dropped, use https_proxy instead
  • Deprecated http_timeout has been dropped, use http_timeout_sec instead
  • Deprecated parameters force and ignore of Message.add have been removed
  • Deprecated method Message.contains has been removed
  • Drop support for deprecated configuration files startup.conf and system.conf


  • We are now testing with and without optional libraries/lowest recommended versions and most current versions of required libraries
  • Tests shadowserver with more data and checks for warnings and errors
  • Tests: if bots log warnings this counts as failure if not allowed explicitly
  • Tests: Bot preparation can be skipped


  • The branching/releasing mechanism has been documented



  • HTTP collectors: If http_username and http_password are both given and empty or null, 'None:None' has been used to authenticate. It is now checked that the username evaulates to non-false/null before adding the authentication. (fixes #1017)
  • Dropped unmaintained and undocumented FTP(S) collectors bots.collectors.ftp. Also, the FTPS collector had a license conflict (#842).
  • bots.collectors.http.collector_http_stream: drop deprecated parameter url in favor of http_url


  • Removed bots.parsers.openbl as the source is offline since end of may (#1018,
  • Removed bots.parsers.proxyspy as the source is offline (#1031)
  • Shadowserver: Added Accessible SMB
  • bots.experts.ripencc_abuse_contact now has the two additional parameters query_ripe_stat_asn and query_ripe_stat_ip.
    Deprecated parameter query_ripe_stat. New parameter mode.
  • bots.experts.certat_contact has been renamed to bots.experts.national_cert_contact_certat (#995)
  • bots.experts.cymru_whois ignores registry other (#996)
  • bots.parsers.alienvault.parser_otx: handle timestamps without floating point seconds


  • bots.experts.deduplicator: New parameter bypass to deactivate deduplication, default: False