Release summary
See, https://github.com/google/docsy/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#051
Commit details
- cards: fix max width on mobile by @stephanlachnit in #1057
- Improve accessibility of foldable sidebar nav and imgproc by @jasonday in #1028
- i18n: es - [post_create_child_page] translation by @Marzal in #1061
- Conditional text by @fekete-robert in #1053
- Version pagelinks by @fekete-robert in #1054
- Redoc shortcode by @fekete-robert in #1052
- Update CONTRIBUTING: add cmd to push tags by @chalin in #1082
- Add Node install/update instructions to prerequisites by @chalin in #1084
- User guide: fixing typos by @deining in #1087
- Fix prereqs and links in README by @LisaFC in #1090
- Adding the instructions to install/upgrade Node LTS by @mikeBoterf in #1086
- Improve tabbed pane: allow right aligned tabs, allow tab groups by @deining in #1037
- NPM package version set to 0.5.0-dev by @chalin in #1103
- User guide, installation: fix markup of tabbed pane by @deining in #1107
- Generate page meta-description like Hugo by @chalin in #1092
- Revert #500 to fix Lunr search by @chalin in #1112
- Support project-level NPM modules for BS and FA by @chalin in #1117
- User guide: run markdown prettifier on other-options.md by @chalin in #1118
- Fix for blog-only websites by @chalin in #1121
- Document use of Docsy as an NPM package by @chalin in #1119
- CHANGELOG: mention new docsy-as-NPM-package option by @chalin in #1125
- UG: improve docsy-as-submodule instructions by @chalin in #1126
- Hugo relURL fix for CSS and JS paths by @chalin in #1127
- UG > adding-content folder rename by @chalin in #1129
- UG: prettify feedback page by @chalin in #1131
- UG feedback: update SEO page by @chalin in #1132
- 404 layout: fix relURL argument by @chalin in #1134
- Upgrade to Memaid 9.1.3 by @gwatts in #1138
- 404 layout: fix HTML, avoid nested main by @chalin in #1137
- Set docsy version in config as
by @chalin in #1105 - CONTRIBUTING: add step to update UG config by @chalin in #1145
- Update Google Analytics section of UG by @chalin in #1098
- Display non-empty page TOC by @chalin in #1147
- Card-related shortcode style fixes by @chalin in #1157
- Update GO_VERSION to 1.19 and fix typo by @deining in #1155
- Drop FontAwesome static/webfonts file copies, mount package by @chalin in #1164
- Update Prism JS and CSS to v1.28.0 by @chalin in #1149
- Remove ARIA attributes from taxonomy lists by @chalin in #1072
- Avoid tabbed-pane.scss style leakage by @chalin in #1163
- Upgrade to FontAwesome 6 by @samiahmedsiddiqui in #1102
- UG: copyedits of Prism section by @chalin in #1148
- Check links in the user guide by @chalin in #1172
- Build before checking links by @chalin in #1173
- filtering out Prism for markmaps by @emckean in #1175
- Use SCSS variable for FA font name by @samiahmedsiddiqui in #1176
- Search font fix by @chalin in #1179
- NPM: pin dep versions and add update script by @chalin in #1181
- scripts partial: whitespace and other cleanup by @chalin in #1183
- Config as YAML for Docsy and UG by @chalin in #1184
- Add FontAwesome change in changelog by @samiahmedsiddiqui in #1186
- navbar.html partial whitespace cleanup by @chalin in #1189
- Scripts: get bootstrap.js and popper.js at build time by @chalin in #1187
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.6.2 and FontAwesome 6.1.2 by @chalin in #1191
- CHANGELOG: add 0.4.0 and 0.5.0 migration details by @chalin in #1192
- Add zh-tw support for i18n by @ydFu in #1201
- Blog layout: streamline and fix styling RSS button by @chalin in #1193
- map keys must be unique in YAML by @lavaicer in #1208
- Add shortcode rendering in readfile shortcode by @geriom in #1203
- Use gtag.js analytics library for all site tags by @chalin in #1178
- Fix different order on side-nav and blog list by @LukeTimeWalker in #1200
- Revert "Use gtag.js analytics library for all site tags" by @geriom in #1212
- Update zh-tw and zh-cn by @ydFu in #1205
- Avoiding 'Illegal shortcode state' (Hugo v0.102.2) by @deining in #1211
- [conditional-text] Avoid linebreaks when using the shortcode inline by @fekete-robert in #1220
- Module setup: add mount to make bootstrap.js available by @deining in #1216
- fix unclosed tag li by @Arhell in #1236
- Fix: tab-pane, persistence of language: change load order of .js-scripts by @deining in #1233
- Module setup: update docsy/dependencies to tip of main by @deining in #1229
- update docs navigation arrow on hover by @Arhell in #1237
- Mention inadvertent style leakage in CHANGELOG by @chalin in #1167
- CHANGELOG: mention FA font-glyph width changes by @chalin in #1251
- Userguide, installation via npm: correct themes directory by @deining in #1213
- Use gtag.js analytics library for all site tags by @chalin in #1252
- Fix importing wrong drawio script by @geriom in #1246
- Add click to copy button to code samples by @geriom in #1245
- Release v0.5.0 preparation by @geriom in #1249
- Release v0.5.0 prep, fix module dependency by @geriom in #1258
- Navbar-brand: define classes for the logo and name by @chalin in #1190
- User guide, conversion to modules: fixing config.yaml by @deining in #1209
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.6.2 (module install) by @deining in #1218
- CHANGELOG: adjust prose since FA was further upgraded by @chalin in #1261
- Scripts tweak to cleanup whitespace etc by @chalin in #1262
- Revert to Popper v1 so tooltips work by @chalin in #1266
- Scripts: get Popper from Bootstrap bundle by @chalin in #1268
- Revert #1200 to recover desc blog post order by @chalin in #1269
- Fixing FontAwesome icon handling in search placeholder by @mkruskal-google in #1247
- Search styling refactoring, and fix for offline search by @chalin in #1279
- Apply styling to all elements in td-content by @the-kraljica in #1255
- Fix: hugo serve does not serve Font Awesome anymore #1281 by @deining in #1282
- feature: add support for GLFM math blocks by @stephanlachnit in #987
- Module setup: update docsy/dependencies to tip of main by @deining in #1284
- Fix: Tabpane shows multiple tabs at the same time by @deining in #1280
- Release v0.5.1 preparation by @geriom in #1291
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.1