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Artemis edited this page May 12, 2023 · 2 revisions


C++ is a way to make cool programs that do lots of things. Output in C++ is when we show the program's results in a way that makes sense. We can show it on the computer screen, in a file, or somewhere else.


Cout is the most common way of outputting in C++. To use cout, we need to include the iostream header file.

There are also other ways of outputting in C++. Fstream is used to write data to a file. Ofstream is used to write data to a file in an output mode. And stringstream is used to write data to a string.

Outputting in C++ is important because it helps us debug and test programs. We can make sure our program is working right.

Example 1: cout

#include <iostream> //Header File Library

int main() //Main Function

{ //curly brace

std::cout << "Hello World!"; //std is using the Standard Library

return 0; //Program returns an integer (number) 0 when program is executed completely

} //curly brace

Example 2: fstream

#include <iostream> //Header File Library #include <fstream> //Header File Library

int main() //Main Function

{ //curly braces

std::ofstream myFile("data.txt"); //Create an ofstream object named myFile

if (myFile.is_open()) //Check to see if the file was opened

{ myFile << "Hello World!" << std::endl; //Write "Hello World!" to the file

   `myFile.close();` //Close the file



   `std::cout << "Unable to open file";`  //Print error message if file was not opened

return 0;


This code creates a file named "data.txt" and writes the string "Hello World!" to the file. If the file is unable to open, it will print "Unable to open file" to the console.

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