Implemented enhancements:
- Display task description via a collapsible row #709
- Allow task group auto complete in case template admin section #707
- Display task group in global task lists #705
- Make task group input optional #696
- Related Cases: See (x) more links #690
- Search section: Search for a string over all types of objects #689
- Filter on computedHandlingDuration in SearchDialog fails #688
- Extend Case Description Field #81
- Change layout of observable creation form #706 (srilumpa)
Fixed bugs:
- .sbt build of current git version fails with x-pack-transport error #710
- PKI authentication fails if user name in certificate has the wrong case #700
- Error handling deletion and re creation of file observables #699
- Start waiting tasks when adding task logs #695
- Adding new observables to an alert retrospectively is impossible #511