Releases: sbb-design-systems/sbb-angular
Releases · sbb-design-systems/sbb-angular
Release 19.1.5
Release 19.1.4
Release 19.1.3
Release 19.1.2
Bug Fixes
- angular/accordion: prevent focus from entering the panel while it's animating (#2468) (a2aa907)
- angular/accordion: switch away from animations module (#2469) (5a0137c)
- angular/menu: decouple menu lifecycle from animations (#2467) (e87e2c7)
- angular/select: add opt-in input that allows selection of nullable options (#2466) (8658f9e)
Release 19.1.1
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency @angular/cdk to v19.0.3 (d146372)
- journey-maps: allow showing default and custom 3d-buildings ... (#2453) (89e385e)
- journey-maps: always broadcast rotation and pitch (#2458) (d756795)
- journey-maps: delete unused files (#2456) (e09d051)
- journey-maps: handle route teaser interaction (#2459) (4c269df)
- journey-maps: update test-data (#2462) (b26bf99)
Release 19.1.0
Release 19.0.0
- This updates our libraries to Angular 19.
This is now the stable release that can be used for production.
Release 19.0.0-rc.0
Release 18.6.1
Release 18.6.0
- journey-maps: new option to set the display of POIs as round icons (#2409) (32ee029)
- multiple: make SBB Angular CSP compatible (#2423) (f494603)
Bug Fixes
- angular/processflow: remove IE animation workaround (#2418) (6e0ef07)
- angular/tabs: remove IE animation workaround (#2417) (a4595f3)
- angular/tooltip: correct icon styling when placed inside label (#2393) (7e5d5ae)
- deps: update angular (12e5aef)
- deps: update angular to v18.2.10 (cd7eae8)
- deps: update dependency @angular/cdk to v18.2.11 (#2411) (685de10)