Version 6.4.8
144 commits
to master
since this release
- #3287 [RST IoC Lookup] Create the connector
- #3286 [HuntIO] Create the connector
- #3284 [HuntIO] Add HuntIO in CI/CD
- #3279 [Flashpoint]: Enhance Flashpoint connector
- #2263 [Hygiene] Support CIDR and Partial Domains
Bug Fixes:
- #3290 [RST Report Hub] Missing generate id
- #3273 [Templates] Fix syntax error on entity_in_scope in template
- #3271 [All Connectors] Update CI and remove Ipsum connector from build 1
- #3260 [WIZ] - Connector code breaks the CI/CD because it uses test_requirements but has no tests
- #3096 [Flashpoint] interval not taken into account
- #2817 [RST Cloud - Threat Feed] The connector seems active, raises no errors, but nothing is imported
- #2767 [RST Cloud - Report Hub] Several issues
Pull Requests:
- [All Connectors] Update CircleCI by @helene-nguyen in #3272
- Update opencti/connector-wiz Docker tag to v6.4.7 by @renovate in #3264
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.98 by @renovate in #3265
- [Templates] Fix syntax error on entity_in_scope in template by @DucNg in #3249
- Update dependency google-api-python-client to v2.159.0 by @renovate in #3277
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.35.99 by @renovate in #3278
- [Hunt IO] Connector for importing C2 feed into OpenCTI by @m4r35 in #3033
- [RST IoC Lookup] Add RST IoC Lookup connector. + Fixes for Report Hub and Threat Feed by @k1r10n in #2864
- [RST Report Hub] Add missing generate id by @helene-nguyen in #3291
- [HuntIO] Add HuntIO in CI/CD by @helene-nguyen in #3285
- [Flashpoint]: Enhance Flashpoint connector by @romain-filigran in #3293
- Update dependency pytz to v2024.2 by @renovate in #3298
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.36.1 - autoclosed by @renovate in #3297
- Update dependency pycti to v6.4.7 by @renovate in #3302
- [CircleCI] Add Ipsum in CI for build_1 by @helene-nguyen in #3305
New Contributors:
Full Changelog: 6.4.7...6.4.8