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Chapter 1 The POS Screen

Jason Knight edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

The Salor POS interface is highly optimized from years of experience and customer feedback. Salor Retail has some cool POS options, but they stay out of the way, and once you install Salor Retail, it's ready to take orders from the word go (In fact, when you login you are dumped immediately to the POS Screen).

Salor Retail POS Screen

When you load this page, the SKU input is autofocused, and everytime you complete an action, it will be refocused to allow fast scanning of multiple items.

When you first begin, you don't have any items from your store in the database, and you don't have to. You can use Salor Retail like a calculator, just enter prices in the format (12.00, or 11.95) and it will create dynamic priced items for sale.

Conversely, if you scan an unknown SKU into the system, it will automatically create the product for you, and the POS screen will allow you to edit the name, price, category, and tax profile right from the POS screen.

Unknown Item

Clicking, or pressing on the NAME of the item will bring up this dialog:

Edit item on POS screen dialog

The X button will DELETE THE ITEM. The Check will close the dialog, and the Money Icon will switch the type of item to a negative price or back to a positive price (Used for buying an item for a customer, giving lottery rewards and so on).

If you wish to edit the name of the item, be sure to click the OK Button to save the edit.

You can edit the price of the item by clicking on the Subtotal:

This will popup a touchscreen friendly price edit field.

To complete the order, press the big orange button on the top right:

From this dialog you can enter the amount of money given and it will automatically show the change in RED. You can press one of the buttons on the left for common denominations.

Finally you can Complete the Sale, or Complete and Print.

If you press Complete Sale, then the complete and print buttons will grey out, the order will be completed, and the dialog will remain (until you click close, or press enter).

The dialog remains so that you can possibly use the Print a4 Receipt that is on the right side of the dialog. This is there for stores that do not use Thermal Printers. If you use a Thermal Receipt Printer, then do not push Complete Sale, Press Print and your order will be completed, and print on the Thermal Printer connected to the system.

When you press Print the dialog will also remain on the screen so that you can give change. IF you accidentally close this dialog before giving change, don't worry! You can get the information back by pressing the Orders button just above the Green Sale Total bar. Note: There are two orders buttons on the POS page. One has an icon with a Bag and a $ symbol, the other has a Push Pin. The one you want is the Push Pin on what is called the POS Menu.